matthewgilbert / strategy

Simulations for Futures and Equities
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Refactoring simulation() for Intraday Functionality #1

Open matthewgilbert opened 6 years ago

matthewgilbert commented 6 years ago

The goal for adding intraday functionality would be for allowing rebalancing several times a day. One of the main use cases would be for allowing trading prices which are different than EOD mark to market prices. The goal is not to allow intraday rebalances at something like 5 minute frequencies, as this would require a major rethink in order to be performant at this granularity.

Currently the simulation() suffers from a few hacky workarounds which would make it difficult to add intraday functionality.


  1. the simulation runs over a set of dates and the weights for generics have values for each day. However, on a roll day there is actual two weights for an instrument, the before trade weight and the after trade weight. For example, the weights for TY1 are:

    2015-02-24 2015TYH   1.0
    2015-02-25 2015TYM   1.0

    this means that, up until 2015-02-24 TY1 is entirely allocated to the 2015TYH contract, whereas after 2015-02-24, TY1 is entirely allocated to the 2015TYM. The implicit assumption here is the the roll is happening at the time associated the instrument prices for 2015-02-24 (in most examples the settlement price).

  2. PnL is calculated as daily_pnl. To allow intraday functionality this should be disaggregated into mark to market PnL from overnight holdings (holdings_pnl) and daily PnL from trading (trading_pnl).

  3. for simulation() to perform correctly the implementations of rebalance_dates and instrument_weights in the concrete class have to be consistent in the following sense: rebalance_dates needs to include every transition that happens in the weightings for instruments. If the previous condition is not specified, PnL and holdings will be calculated as if a roll has happened when in fact it has not.

  4. the current implementation is difficult to test since the functionality is quite monolithic and handles trading, updating holdings and calculating PnL all within the scope of the simulation.

Possible Solutions

Currently the simulation looks at tradeable_dates and rebal_dates. One solution would be to create mtm_datetimes (a more appropriate name for tradeable_dates) and rebal_datetimes. Including time aware dates would also force all pricing data to be timestamped, so if not available from the source this would have to be added on a best guess basis. The main loop structure would also have to be changed to allow rebal_datetimes to account for the possibility of multiple times per day.

Since all instruments would have the same mark-to-market time of day, this would make using the settlement price problematic since there is asynchronicity between instrument settlement times. In addition if there were instruments without any overlapping trading hours this would also be problematic.

The redesigned workflow would look like

1. If a rebalance day calculate the trading PnL
2. Calculate overnight holdings MTM PnL
3. Update EOD holdings

Another possible change is to run the simulation on actual tradeable instruments and handle the mapping to generics afterword, just for accounting purposes when doing PnL attribution to generics. This could possibly simplify the logic within the loop of the simulation.

As an addendum, the trade() and notional_exposure() APIs are currently a bit messy in the sense that it takes in weights. It is more natural to abstract these away from the user call however this leads to a less performant implementation which has ramifications for simulate()

matthewgilbert commented 6 years ago

Presently the current holdings are stored as generics in current_exp and the marked to market (MTM) daily holdings PnL is calculated based on continuous returns for generics. An arguably more succint implementation would track instrument holdings and marked to market PnL would be based on instrument prices. All PnL and holdings stored data would be actual instrument data (with meta data referring to generics). Generic holdings and PnL (e.g. ES1) would be calculated after the simulation from stored meta data.

Overview of changes

Currently the logic of the simulation is as follows

Calculate daily PnL from continuous returns and generic notional holdings
Store daily PnL
Update current generic notional holdings based on continuous returns
For rebalancing dates
    Calculate instrument contract trades based on signal for generics and the current instrument contract holdings
    Update notional generic holdings
    Update current instruments
    Calculate notional generic trades
    Store notional trades
Store notional exposures

Doing this on an instrument level, the logic would be modified to

For rebalancing dates
    For signals on this date
        Map previous day EOD tradeable instrument holdings + cumulative daily trades to current generic notional holdings
        Calculate desired generic notional from target portfolio and current generic notional holdings(optional if an opti is desired)
        Calculate instrument trades based on desired generic notional and current instrument contract holdings
        Store tradeable instrument trades in TRADES
Calculate EOD holdings PnL from tradeable instrument prices
Store EOD holdings PnL in EOD_HOLDINGS_PNL
Calculate trading PnL for tradeable instruments
Store trading PnL in TRADING_PNL
Update EOD tradeable instrument holdings
Store EOD tradeable instruments in EOD_HOLDINGS

Data Structures


timestamp           | EOD date   | instrument | generic | multiplier | price   | # of contracts | weight
2015-01-02T10:30:00 | 2015-01-02 | ESH2015    | ES1     | 50         | 2000.25 | 5              | 1
2015-01-02T10:30:00 | 2015-01-02 | CLH2015    | CL1     | 1000       | 50.52   | 3              | 0.5
2015-01-02T10:30:00 | 2015-01-02 | CLH2015    | CL2     | 1000       | 50.52   | 3              | 0.5
2015-01-02T18:30:00 | 2015-01-03 | ESH2015    | ES1     | 50         | 2002.25 | 5              | 1


timestamp            | instrument | generic | multiplier | price   | # of contracts | weight
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | ESH2015    | ES1     | 50         | 2000.25 | 5              | 1
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | CLH2015    | CL1     | 1000       | 50.73   | 3              | 0.5
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | CLH2015    | CL1     | 1000       | 50.73   | 3              | 0.5


timestamp            | instrument | generic | weight | PnL 
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | ESH2015    | ES1     | 1      | 373.33
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | CLH2015    | CL1     | 0.5    | -143.50
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | CLH2015    | CL2     | 0.5    | -143.50


timestamp            | instrument | generic | weight | PnL 
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | ESH2015    | ES1     | 1      | -20.50
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | CLH2015    | CL1     | 0.5    | 50.50
2015-01-02T16:15:00  | CLH2015    | CL2     | 0.5    | 50.50

Algorithm outlines

Tradeable Instruments Trading PnL

Trading PnL = Net trades from t-1 to t MTM at EOD t prices - Aggregated Cost Basis

where Aggregated Cost Basis is the the aggregated cost of buys minus the aggregated cost of sells for an instrument from the day of trading, e.g.

2015-01-01T20:30:00 | 5 ESH2015 | 2000.25
2015-01-02T11:30:00 |-5 ESH2015 | 2001.25
2015-01-02T14:30:00 | 3 ESH2015 | 2000.75

Settlement price

2015-01-02T16:15:00 | ESH2015 | 2002.00

Aggregated Cost Basis = ((5x2000.25 + 3x2000.75) - 5x2001.25) x 50 = 299,862.50
Net trades at EOD from t MTM at prices t = (5 - 5 + 3) x 2002.00 x 50 = 300,300.00

Trading PnL = 300,300.00 - 299,862.50 = 437.50

For attribution, the weight should be the contract weighted average weight

EOD Tradeable Instruments Holdings PnL

Instruments at EOD from t-1 MTM at prices t - Instruments at EOD from t-1 MTM at prices t-1

For attribution, weights are given be weights from t-1

Update EOD Holdings

Instruments at EOD from t-1 + Net instrument trades during t

EOD Generic Holdings and Generic PnL

EOD Generic Holdings = EOD Holdings groupby timestamp and generic apply sum of multiplier x price x # of contracts x weight Generic PnL =PnLgroupbytimestampandgenericsum ofPnLxweight`
