### [`v0.25.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### Fixed
- Bumped Node.js version in templates.
### [`v0.25.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### Changed
- Don't include `docs/` in the npm package.
### [`v0.25.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### Breaking Changes
- Node.js 8 is no longer supported; Node.js 10.13.0 is now the minimum required version, as per many of nwb's dependencies.
**Browser Support**
- Removed default polyfills for `Promise`, `fetch()` and `Object.assign()` and deprecated `polyfill` config.
If you need to support older browsers, you will now need to include the necessary polyfills in your app - see the new [Browser Support docs]( for details on polyfilling and suggested modules which provide them.
If this change affects your app, a quick fix is to use [react-app-polyfill]('s IE11 polyfill, which is equivalent to what nwb's default polyfill used to be:
import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11'
- For apps and quick commands, `@babel/preset-env` is now configured to [only transpile the necessary ECMAScript 2015+ for supported browsers](
When running a development server, this defaults to the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari, so you _may_ need to adjust [`browsers.development` config]( if you're using an out of date browser and you **will** need to adjust it if you're developing with an older browser supported by your app.
- Default browser configuration for Autoprefixer when building an app has changed from [`>1%, last 4 versions, Firefox ESR, not ie < 9`]( to [`>0.2%, not dead, not op_mini all`](
When running a development server, the default browser configuration has changed to [`last 1 chrome version, last 1 firefox version, last 1 safari version`](
- Deprecated using a string for [`webpack.autoprefixer` config]( to configure supported browsers - this will no longer do anything and should be moved to the new [`browsers` config](
- Removed support for `babel.stage` and `webpack.uglify` config deprecated in nwb v0.24.0.
- copy-webpack-plugin v6.0.0 [has breaking changes to its options]( which you should read if you're using [`webpack.copy` config](
In particular, the `ignore` option in a copy pattern must now be put inside the new `globOptions` option.
- file-loader v6.0.0 [changed its default hashing algorithm]( so hashes in output filenames will change after updating to this release, even if their contents haven't changed.
#### Added
- Added top-level [`browsers` config]( to configure supported browsers. This supports using separate browserslist queries for development and production.
- Added [Browser Support docs](, with a section on [polyfilling missing language features](
#### Dependencies
- autoprefixer: v9.7.6 → [v9.8.0](
- chalk: v3.0.0 → [v4.0.0](
- copy-webpack-plugin: v5.1.1 → [v6.0.1](
- file-loader: v4.3.0 → [v6.0.0](
- fs-extra: v8.1.0 → [v9.0.0](
- karma: v4.4.1 → [v5.0.9](
- karma-mocha: v1.3.0 → [v2.0.1](
- terser-webpack-plugin v2.3.6 → [v3.0.1](
- url-loader: v2.3.0→ [v4.1.0](
### [`v0.24.7`](
[Compare Source](
#### Fixed
- Fixed inclusion of `__source` and `__self` debugging information when transpiling JSX in `react-component` projects by defaulting `process.env.NODE_ENV` to `'production'` when building.
#### Dependencies
- open: v7.0.3 → [v7.0.4](
### [`v0.24.6`](
[Compare Source](
#### Dependencies
- [@babel/core]( v7.90 → [v7.9.6](
- [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime]( v7.9.0 → [v7.9.6](
- [@babel/preset-env]( v7.9.0 → [v7.9.6](
- [@babel/runtime]( v7.9.2 → [v7.9.6](
- [@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin]( v0.2.0 → [v0.3.1](
- autoprefixer: v9.7.5 → [v9.7.6](
- cross-spawn: v7.0.1 → [v7.0.2](
- css-loader: v3.4.2 → [v3.5.3](
- html-webpack-plugin: v3.2.0 → [v4.3.0](
- karma-coverage: v2.0.1 → [v2.0.2](
- mocha: v7.1.1 → [v7.1.2](
- ora: v4.0.3 → [v4.0.4](
- react-refresh: v0.8.1 → [v0.8.2](
- resolve: v1.15.1 → [v1.17.0](
- semver: v7.1.3 → [v7.3.2](
- style-loader: v1.1.3 → [v1.2.1](
- terser-webpack-plugin v2.3.5 → [v2.3.6](
- webpack: v4.42.1 → [v4.43.0](
- webpack-dev-server: v3.10.3 → [v3.11.0](
### [`v0.24.5`](
[Compare Source](
#### Changed
- [html-webpack-plugin got a major version bump to v4](
- Output HTML is now minified by default - you can disable this by configuring `html.minification = false`.
- Chunk sorting was removed, but it seems to work as before for the ordering of the JavaScript files generated by nwb's build.
- The plugin nwb uses to inline the webpack runtime chunk was rewritten to use v4's new hooks.
#### Fixed
- The `lang` attribute on `` wasn't getting set to the default `'en'` when using the `nwb react`, `nwb preact` and `nwb inferno` quick development commands.
#### Dependencies
- [@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx]( v7.9.1 → [v7.9.4](
- [@babel/preset-react]( v7.9.1 → [v7.9.4](
- [@babel/runtime]( v7.9.0 → v7.9.2
- autoprefixer: v9.7.4 → [v9.7.5](
- html-webpack-plugin: v3.2.0 → [v4.0.1](
- webpack: v4.42.0 → [v4.42.1](
### [`v0.24.4`](
[Compare Source](
#### Added
- Added [`babel.react` config]( to configure `@babel/preset-react` options, allowing you to opt-in to using the [new `automatic` runtime]( which was added in Babel v7.9.0.
For convenience, you can just configure the runtime name if you want to try it with the [experimental version of React](
module.exports = {
babel: {
react: 'automatic'
#### Changed
- Updated to [Babel v7.9.0](
- Validate that the entry module for quick commands (e.g. `nwb react run SomeComponent.js`) exists, to avoid a confusing error message \[[#441](]
#### Dependencies
- [@babel/core]( v7.8.7 → v7.9.0
- @babel/plugin-transform-react-constant-elements: v7.8.3 → v7.9.0
- [@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx]( v7.8.3 → v7.9.1
- [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime]( v7.8.3 → v7.9.0
- [@babel/preset-env]( v7.8.7 → v7.9.0
- [@babel/preset-react]( v7.8.3 → v7.9.1
- [@babel/runtime]( v7.8.7 → v7.9.0
- babel-loader: v8.0.6 → [v8.1.0](
- mocha: v7.1.0 → [v7.1.1](
- react-refresh: v0.8.0 → v0.8.1
### [`v0.24.3`](
[Compare Source](
#### Changed
- Added a temporary hack to bypass [startup info logging]( Webpack Dev Server currently does even when its `quiet` option is set.
- CSS minification hasn't been enabled since nwb v0.23.0 as css-loader v1.0.0 stopped doing it by default - re-enable it using [Optimize CSS Assets Webpack Plugin]( \[[#467](]
#### Dependencies
- minimist v1.2.4 → v1.2.5
- optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin v5.0.3
### [`v0.24.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### Fixed
- Fixed copying of co-located `.test.js`/`.spec.js` files when building a React component or web module by also passing the new `--no-copy-ignored` flag when calling [@babel/cli]( \[[#529](]
#### Dependencies
- inquirer: v7.0.6 → [v7.1.0](
- minimist v1.2.0 → [v1.2.4]( - security fix
- open: v7.0.2 → [v7.0.3](
### [`v0.24.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### Fixed
- Fixed serving the demo app for a React component \[[#542](]
- Fixed Fast Refresh for the default React component demo app by exporting the `Demo` component in the template.
### [`v0.24.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### Breaking Changes
- Node.js 6 is no longer supported; Node.js 8.9.0 is now the minimum required version, as per many of nwb's dependencies.
- Updated to [Babel 7](
- [`babel.runtime` config]( no longer accepts a `String` to enable an additional, named feature.
Pass an `Object` with plugin options instead.
- Support for tests in `*-test.js` files has been removed, as `@babel-core` no longer supports pattern matching them to ignore them when co-located in `src/`.
Rename these to `*.test.js` instead.
- Dropped support for the old `--no-hmre` alias to disable Hot Module Replacement, just use `--no-hmr` instead.
- Updated Preact config for [Preact X](
- Dependencies with (documented) breaking changes:
- [copy-webpack-plugin@5.0.0](
- [css-loader@3.0.0](
- [file-loader@4.0.0](
- [karma@4.0.0](
- [mocha@6.0.0](
#### Added
- Added [`babel.proposals` config]( to configure use of Babel's proposal plugins.
- Added an `en` property to [`webpack.html` config]( to set the document language when using nwb's default HTML template \[[#520](] \[[Muhnad][muhnad]]
#### Fixed
- Fix creation of an extra directory when creating a scoped component's UMD build \[[#513](] \[[rrapiteanu][rrapiteanu]]
#### Changed
- [React Refresh Webpack Plugin]( is now used to enable [Fast Refresh]( for React apps, as babel-plugin-react-transform is deprecated and doesn't support Babel 7.
- Replaced use of `UglifyJsPlugin` with `TerserWebpackPlugin`.
- React compatibility is now always configured for Preact apps, as `preact/compat` is now part of the `preact` module.
#### Deprecated
- Deprecated `babel.stage` config, as Babel's `stage-X` presets were/are being removed in Babel 7 - if you provide it, nwb will warn you and enable Babel proposal plugins equivalent to the current stage they're at.
Use [`babel.proposals` config]( instead if you want to toggle some or all additional proposal plugins on.
- Deprecated `webpack.uglify` config, which has been renamed to [`webpack.terser`](
- Autoprefixer renamed its `browsers` option to `overrideBrowserslist`, so you will get deprecation warnings if you were using `{browsers: ...}` in [`webpack.autoprefixer` config](
#### Dependencies
- autoprefixer: v9.0.2 → [v9.7.4](
- babel-plugin-add-module-exports: v0.2.1 → [v1.0.2](
- babel-plugin-inferno: v5.0.1 → [v5.1.0](
- case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: v2.1.2 → [v2.3.0](
- chalk: v2.4.1 → [v3.0.0](
- copy-webpack-plugin: v4.5.2 → [v5.1.1](
- cross-spawn: v6.0.5 → [v7.0.1](
- css-loader: v1.0.0 → [v3.4.2](
- detect-port: v1.2.3 → [v1.3.0](
- figures: v2.0.0 → v3.2.0
- filesize: v3.6.1 → [v6.1.0](
- file-loader: v1.1.11 → [v4.3.0](
- fs-extra: v7.0.0 → [v8.1.0](
- glob: v7.1.3 → [v7.1.6](
- gzip-size: v5.0.0 → [v5.1.1](
- inquirer: v6.0.0 → [v7.0.6](
- karma: v2.0.0 → [v4.4.1](
- karma-chrome-launcher: v2.2.0 → [v3.1.0](
- karma-coverage: v1.1.2 → [v2.0.1](
- karma-webpack: v3.0.0 → [v4.0.2](
- mini-css-extract-plugin v0.4.1 → [v0.9.0](
- mocha: v5.2.0 → [v7.1.0](
- opn: v5.3.0 → [open v7.0.2](
- ora: v3.0.0 → [v4.0.3](
- postcss-loader: v2.1.6 → [v3.0.0]( - dropped Node.js 4 support
- promise: v8.0.1 → v8.1.0
- resolve: v1.8.1 → [v1.15.1](
- semver: v5.5.1 → [v7.1.3](
- style-loader: v0.21.0 → [v1.1.3](
- uglifyjs-webpack-plugin v1.2.7 → [terser-webpack-plugin v2.3.5](
- url-loader: v1.0.1 → [v2.3.0](
- webpack: v4.16.4 → [v4.42.0](
- webpack-dev-middleware: v3.1.3 → [v3.7.2](
- webpack-dev-server: v3.1.5 → [v3.10.3](
- webpack-hot-middleware: v2.22.3 → [v2.25.0](
- webpack-merge: v4.1.4 → [v4.2.2](
- whatwg-fetch: v2.0.4 → [v3.0.0](
* * *
Older changelogs are available in [the CHANGES archive](
Renovate configuration
:date: Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).
:vertical_traffic_light: Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
:recycle: Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
:no_bell: Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.
[ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box
This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
### [`v0.25.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Fixed - Bumped Node.js version in templates. ### [`v0.25.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changed - Don't include `docs/` in the npm package. ### [`v0.25.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Breaking Changes - Node.js 8 is no longer supported; Node.js 10.13.0 is now the minimum required version, as per many of nwb's dependencies. **Browser Support** - Removed default polyfills for `Promise`, `fetch()` and `Object.assign()` and deprecated `polyfill` config. If you need to support older browsers, you will now need to include the necessary polyfills in your app - see the new [Browser Support docs]( for details on polyfilling and suggested modules which provide them. If this change affects your app, a quick fix is to use [react-app-polyfill]('s IE11 polyfill, which is equivalent to what nwb's default polyfill used to be: ```js import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11' ``` - For apps and quick commands, `@babel/preset-env` is now configured to [only transpile the necessary ECMAScript 2015+ for supported browsers]( When running a development server, this defaults to the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari, so you _may_ need to adjust [`browsers.development` config]( if you're using an out of date browser and you **will** need to adjust it if you're developing with an older browser supported by your app. - Default browser configuration for Autoprefixer when building an app has changed from [`>1%, last 4 versions, Firefox ESR, not ie < 9`]( to [`>0.2%, not dead, not op_mini all`]( When running a development server, the default browser configuration has changed to [`last 1 chrome version, last 1 firefox version, last 1 safari version`]( **Configuration** - Deprecated using a string for [`webpack.autoprefixer` config]( to configure supported browsers - this will no longer do anything and should be moved to the new [`browsers` config]( - Removed support for `babel.stage` and `webpack.uglify` config deprecated in nwb v0.24.0. - copy-webpack-plugin v6.0.0 [has breaking changes to its options]( which you should read if you're using [`webpack.copy` config]( In particular, the `ignore` option in a copy pattern must now be put inside the new `globOptions` option. **Dependencies** - file-loader v6.0.0 [changed its default hashing algorithm]( so hashes in output filenames will change after updating to this release, even if their contents haven't changed. #### Added - Added top-level [`browsers` config]( to configure supported browsers. This supports using separate browserslist queries for development and production. - Added [Browser Support docs](, with a section on [polyfilling missing language features]( #### Dependencies - autoprefixer: v9.7.6 → [v9.8.0]( - chalk: v3.0.0 → [v4.0.0]( - copy-webpack-plugin: v5.1.1 → [v6.0.1]( - file-loader: v4.3.0 → [v6.0.0]( - fs-extra: v8.1.0 → [v9.0.0]( - karma: v4.4.1 → [v5.0.9]( - karma-mocha: v1.3.0 → [v2.0.1]( - terser-webpack-plugin v2.3.6 → [v3.0.1]( - url-loader: v2.3.0→ [v4.1.0]( ### [`v0.24.7`]( [Compare Source]( #### Fixed - Fixed inclusion of `__source` and `__self` debugging information when transpiling JSX in `react-component` projects by defaulting `process.env.NODE_ENV` to `'production'` when building. #### Dependencies - open: v7.0.3 → [v7.0.4]( ### [`v0.24.6`]( [Compare Source]( #### Dependencies - [@babel/core]( v7.90 → [v7.9.6]( - [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime]( v7.9.0 → [v7.9.6]( - [@babel/preset-env]( v7.9.0 → [v7.9.6]( - [@babel/runtime]( v7.9.2 → [v7.9.6]( - [@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin]( v0.2.0 → [v0.3.1]( - autoprefixer: v9.7.5 → [v9.7.6]( - cross-spawn: v7.0.1 → [v7.0.2]( - css-loader: v3.4.2 → [v3.5.3]( - html-webpack-plugin: v3.2.0 → [v4.3.0]( - karma-coverage: v2.0.1 → [v2.0.2]( - mocha: v7.1.1 → [v7.1.2]( - ora: v4.0.3 → [v4.0.4]( - react-refresh: v0.8.1 → [v0.8.2]( - resolve: v1.15.1 → [v1.17.0]( - semver: v7.1.3 → [v7.3.2]( - style-loader: v1.1.3 → [v1.2.1]( - terser-webpack-plugin v2.3.5 → [v2.3.6]( - webpack: v4.42.1 → [v4.43.0]( - webpack-dev-server: v3.10.3 → [v3.11.0]( ### [`v0.24.5`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changed - [html-webpack-plugin got a major version bump to v4]( - Output HTML is now minified by default - you can disable this by configuring `html.minification = false`. - Chunk sorting was removed, but it seems to work as before for the ordering of the JavaScript files generated by nwb's build. - The plugin nwb uses to inline the webpack runtime chunk was rewritten to use v4's new hooks. #### Fixed - The `lang` attribute on `` wasn't getting set to the default `'en'` when using the `nwb react`, `nwb preact` and `nwb inferno` quick development commands. #### Dependencies - [@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx]( v7.9.1 → [v7.9.4]( - [@babel/preset-react]( v7.9.1 → [v7.9.4]( - [@babel/runtime]( v7.9.0 → v7.9.2 - autoprefixer: v9.7.4 → [v9.7.5]( - html-webpack-plugin: v3.2.0 → [v4.0.1]( - webpack: v4.42.0 → [v4.42.1]( ### [`v0.24.4`]( [Compare Source]( #### Added - Added [`babel.react` config]( to configure `@babel/preset-react` options, allowing you to opt-in to using the [new `automatic` runtime]( which was added in Babel v7.9.0. For convenience, you can just configure the runtime name if you want to try it with the [experimental version of React]( ```js module.exports = { babel: { react: 'automatic' } } ``` #### Changed - Updated to [Babel v7.9.0]( - Validate that the entry module for quick commands (e.g. `nwb react run SomeComponent.js`) exists, to avoid a confusing error message \[[#441](] #### Dependencies - [@babel/core]( v7.8.7 → v7.9.0 - @babel/plugin-transform-react-constant-elements: v7.8.3 → v7.9.0 - [@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx]( v7.8.3 → v7.9.1 - [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime]( v7.8.3 → v7.9.0 - [@babel/preset-env]( v7.8.7 → v7.9.0 - [@babel/preset-react]( v7.8.3 → v7.9.1 - [@babel/runtime]( v7.8.7 → v7.9.0 - babel-loader: v8.0.6 → [v8.1.0]( - mocha: v7.1.0 → [v7.1.1]( - react-refresh: v0.8.0 → v0.8.1 ### [`v0.24.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### Changed - Added a temporary hack to bypass [startup info logging]( Webpack Dev Server currently does even when its `quiet` option is set. - CSS minification hasn't been enabled since nwb v0.23.0 as css-loader v1.0.0 stopped doing it by default - re-enable it using [Optimize CSS Assets Webpack Plugin]( \[[#467](] #### Dependencies - minimist v1.2.4 → v1.2.5 - optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin v5.0.3 ### [`v0.24.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Fixed - Fixed copying of co-located `.test.js`/`.spec.js` files when building a React component or web module by also passing the new `--no-copy-ignored` flag when calling [@babel/cli]( \[[#529](] #### Dependencies - inquirer: v7.0.6 → [v7.1.0]( - minimist v1.2.0 → [v1.2.4]( - security fix - open: v7.0.2 → [v7.0.3]( ### [`v0.24.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Fixed - Fixed serving the demo app for a React component \[[#542](] - Fixed Fast Refresh for the default React component demo app by exporting the `Demo` component in the template. ### [`v0.24.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Breaking Changes - Node.js 6 is no longer supported; Node.js 8.9.0 is now the minimum required version, as per many of nwb's dependencies. - Updated to [Babel 7]( - [`babel.runtime` config]( no longer accepts a `String` to enable an additional, named feature. Pass an `Object` with plugin options instead. - Support for tests in `*-test.js` files has been removed, as `@babel-core` no longer supports pattern matching them to ignore them when co-located in `src/`. Rename these to `*.test.js` instead. - Dropped support for the old `--no-hmre` alias to disable Hot Module Replacement, just use `--no-hmr` instead. - Updated Preact config for [Preact X]( - Dependencies with (documented) breaking changes: - [copy-webpack-plugin@5.0.0]( - [css-loader@3.0.0]( - [file-loader@4.0.0]( - [karma@4.0.0]( - [mocha@6.0.0]( #### Added - Added [`babel.proposals` config]( to configure use of Babel's proposal plugins. - Added an `en` property to [`webpack.html` config]( to set the document language when using nwb's default HTML template \[[#520](] \[[Muhnad][muhnad]] #### Fixed - Fix creation of an extra directory when creating a scoped component's UMD build \[[#513](] \[[rrapiteanu][rrapiteanu]] #### Changed - [React Refresh Webpack Plugin]( is now used to enable [Fast Refresh]( for React apps, as babel-plugin-react-transform is deprecated and doesn't support Babel 7. - Replaced use of `UglifyJsPlugin` with `TerserWebpackPlugin`. - React compatibility is now always configured for Preact apps, as `preact/compat` is now part of the `preact` module. #### Deprecated - Deprecated `babel.stage` config, as Babel's `stage-X` presets were/are being removed in Babel 7 - if you provide it, nwb will warn you and enable Babel proposal plugins equivalent to the current stage they're at. Use [`babel.proposals` config]( instead if you want to toggle some or all additional proposal plugins on. - Deprecated `webpack.uglify` config, which has been renamed to [`webpack.terser`]( - Autoprefixer renamed its `browsers` option to `overrideBrowserslist`, so you will get deprecation warnings if you were using `{browsers: ...}` in [`webpack.autoprefixer` config]( #### Dependencies - autoprefixer: v9.0.2 → [v9.7.4]( - babel-plugin-add-module-exports: v0.2.1 → [v1.0.2]( - babel-plugin-inferno: v5.0.1 → [v5.1.0]( - case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: v2.1.2 → [v2.3.0]( - chalk: v2.4.1 → [v3.0.0]( - copy-webpack-plugin: v4.5.2 → [v5.1.1]( - cross-spawn: v6.0.5 → [v7.0.1]( - css-loader: v1.0.0 → [v3.4.2]( - detect-port: v1.2.3 → [v1.3.0]( - figures: v2.0.0 → v3.2.0 - filesize: v3.6.1 → [v6.1.0]( - file-loader: v1.1.11 → [v4.3.0]( - fs-extra: v7.0.0 → [v8.1.0]( - glob: v7.1.3 → [v7.1.6]( - gzip-size: v5.0.0 → [v5.1.1]( - inquirer: v6.0.0 → [v7.0.6]( - karma: v2.0.0 → [v4.4.1]( - karma-chrome-launcher: v2.2.0 → [v3.1.0]( - karma-coverage: v1.1.2 → [v2.0.1]( - karma-webpack: v3.0.0 → [v4.0.2]( - mini-css-extract-plugin v0.4.1 → [v0.9.0]( - mocha: v5.2.0 → [v7.1.0]( - opn: v5.3.0 → [open v7.0.2]( - ora: v3.0.0 → [v4.0.3]( - postcss-loader: v2.1.6 → [v3.0.0]( - dropped Node.js 4 support - promise: v8.0.1 → v8.1.0 - resolve: v1.8.1 → [v1.15.1]( - semver: v5.5.1 → [v7.1.3]( - style-loader: v0.21.0 → [v1.1.3]( - uglifyjs-webpack-plugin v1.2.7 → [terser-webpack-plugin v2.3.5]( - url-loader: v1.0.1 → [v2.3.0]( - webpack: v4.16.4 → [v4.42.0]( - webpack-dev-middleware: v3.1.3 → [v3.7.2]( - webpack-dev-server: v3.1.5 → [v3.10.3]( - webpack-hot-middleware: v2.22.3 → [v2.25.0]( - webpack-merge: v4.1.4 → [v4.2.2]( - whatwg-fetch: v2.0.4 → [v3.0.0]( * * * Older changelogs are available in [the CHANGES archive]( [muhnad]: [rrapiteanu]: configuration
:date: Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).
:vertical_traffic_light: Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
:recycle: Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
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