matthewjberger / scoop-nerd-fonts

A scoop bucket for installing nerd fonts
The Unlicense
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nerd-fonts 2.2.0-RC #178

Open elovelan opened 2 years ago

elovelan commented 2 years ago

Given the number of font updates in the next RC, I was thinking of forking this repo to create a new bucket (something like nerd-fonts-rc).

I just want to ensure that this isn't something you'd rather have in here, where the fonts could have a suffix of -rc or similar. Happy to submit a PR if so!

matthewjberger commented 2 years ago

Definitely feel free to add the -rc fonts to this repo :)

elovelan commented 2 years ago

The only downside to this approach is that the fonts themselves aren't actually RCs, it's more that the build system for Nerd Fonts is an RC and as such, updates to the fonts themselves have been held up. I'm going to make the format configurable so I'm not blocked by this discussion, but just trying to think if there's a more clear naming convention that I could use.

That said, all of the versions in the repo (for fonts from the NF repo) are based on the NF version, not the font version; so maybe -rc won't be too misleading after all.

Thoughts? I've stick with -rc for now 🙂

catbabylon commented 2 years ago

there are a few fonts in v 2.1.0 that have an issue where an f and i together are replaced with a glyph of a telephone. I know this is the case with Inconsolata NF and ShureTechMono NF. but possibly affects others as well.

2.2.0-RCresolves this issue so it would be great to have it available via scoop.

catbabylon commented 2 years ago

correction, 2.2.0-RC does not fix this issue, the master version from here :

does fix the issue. Would it be possibe to use these for scoop?