matthewjberger / scoop-nerd-fonts

A scoop bucket for installing nerd fonts
The Unlicense
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Nerd Fonts v3 #230

Closed jonz94 closed 1 year ago

jonz94 commented 1 year ago

Nerd Fonts v3 has just been released:

Along with several breaking changes, it is important to note that the font file names have also been updated.

Therefore, we need to make changes to our code to reflect both the breaking changes and the new font file names.

mattcargile commented 1 year ago

After installing, v3 for CaskaydiaCove, I noticed that

(New-Object System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection).Families | sls cask

did not return the same thing as

Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore
[Windows.Media.Fonts]::SystemFontFamilies | ? source -like caskay* | ft

Programs like SQL Server Management Studio, which don't allow you to pick a font name like VSCode or the like, did not like the new v3 CascadiaCode and would fail to use the font.

Here is the image from SSMS.

Here is the image from Windows Settings.

All this to say, is there something wrong with my install or maybe CascadiaCode nerd fonts in general? Or some other incompatibility with certain Windows applications?


I was using choco for the uninstall/install.


Cross posting on ryanoasis' nerd-fonts as this may not really be relevant for this repo.