Open davis opened 9 years ago
Yep that's a good idea, I'll probably get around to it when I have some time, but definitely accepting PRs in the meantime
For example, I've the following case
<div class="foo" data-next="/page=2"> </div>
And I could not parse the next page :(
Does not work for me
Hi guys, to follow up. This is what I have
<a id="ctl00_CP_DataPagerDisplay1_next" class="margin-left-one" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$CP$DataPagerDisplay1$next','')">Next <i class="icon-bby-triangle-right"></i> </a>
How do I paginate this? Thanks
Could anyone help me with this type of pagination?
I have tried this .paginate('p.listingsnav @href')
but doesn't work. any suggestions?
base url is
Does anyone know the status of this one? I'm bumping into the same problem at the moment. Maybe the paginate function could have a similar signature as the abort() function. So it accepts a callback function that is passed the scrape results of the current page. Then people can engineer the url selector (or URL) of the next page in the CB and return this (instead of true/false as abort() does)? I can give this a go if this approach seems good.
I know this is late, but I figured it out, just use a filter! I was banging my head around this, and I saw another package, x-ray-scraper which also didn't work. The filter worked perfectly. Enjoy!
var filters = {
trim: function (value) {
return typeof value === 'string' ? value.trim() : value;
paginateFx: function (value) {
// extract the page number from the url
return typeof value === 'string' ? pageLessUrl + value.split('&page=')[1] : false;
const x = XRay({ filters }).concurrency(10); // 10 concurrent requests
x(url + 1, '.product', [
description: '.product-name',
link: '.product-name a@href',
img: '.img-responsive @src',
.paginate('.pagination .next a@href | paginateFx')
what if there is no link (therefore no css selector) to the next page, but i know how to get to it?
could i use something like
.paginate(function(num) { return '?page=' + num; }))