Closed NikkyAI closed 6 years ago
What does this have to do with CurseGradle?
i was asking for how to use it with cursegradle.. but it ended up gradle being just a bit weird.. i solved it
this did the trick for me
tasks.shadowJar.finalizedBy reobfShadowJar
curseforge {
if (project.hasProperty('CURSEFORGE_API_TOKEN') && project.hasProperty('release')) {
project {
id = project.curse_id
releaseType = project.curse_release_type
mainArtifact(shadowJar) {
displayName = "$$version"
i am shading in libraries and relocating them with shadowJar
i tried
tasks.reobfShadowJar.mustRunAfter shadowJar
but it seems that task does not reobsfucate the jar properly and the reobfShadowJar task does not return a file