matthewrdev / UnityUaal.Maui

Embedding the Unity game engine into .NET MAUI.
MIT License
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Running Unity embedded in a subview (iOS) #3

Open SGoerzen opened 2 weeks ago

SGoerzen commented 2 weeks ago


I very like MAUI and your approach. Thanks for that!

It would be nice, if Unity can be somehow embedded in a subview instead of fullscreen. This way it would be easy to overlay MAUI controls over the application. I have seen many similar approach in other stacks (native ObjC, native Swift, ReactNative, Flutter).

I thought about to add another runEmbedded function and map it in maui by providing a UIView.

I am C# expert, but not ObjC or MAUI. So the scripts are not maybe not the correct way, but a first try for achieving this.

Unity project:


- (void)runEmbeddedWithArgc:(int)argc argv:(char*[])argv appLaunchOpts:(NSDictionary*)appLaunchOpts inView:(UIView*)parentView
    if (self->runCount)
        // initialize from partial unload ( sceneLessMode & onPause )
        [self pause: false];
        [self showUnityWindow];

        // Ensure Unity view is a subview of the provided parent view
        UIView *unityView = UnityGetGLView();
        if (unityView.superview != parentView) {
            [unityView removeFromSuperview];
            [parentView addSubview:unityView];
            unityView.frame = parentView.bounds;
            unityView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;

        // Send Unity start event
        // full initialization from ground up
        [self frameworkWarmup: argc argv: argv];

        id app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];

        id appCtrl = [[NSClassFromString([NSString stringWithUTF8String: AppControllerClassName]) alloc] init];
        [appCtrl application: app didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: appLaunchOpts];

        [appCtrl applicationWillEnterForeground: app];
        [appCtrl applicationDidBecomeActive: app];

        // Ensure Unity view is a subview of the provided parent view
        UIView *unityView = UnityGetGLView();
        [parentView addSubview:unityView];
        unityView.frame = parentView.bounds;
        unityView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;

        // Send Unity start (first time) event

    self->runCount += 1;

add in UnityFramework.h - (void)runEmbeddedWithArgc:(int)argc argv:(char*[])argv appLaunchOpts:(NSDictionary*)appLaunchOpts inView:(UIView*)parentView;

iOSBridge Project:

ApiDefinitions.cs (interface UnityFramework)

        void RunEmbeddedWithArgc(int argc, IntPtr argv, NSDictionary options, UIView parentView);

MAUI Project:

Extend UnityBridge.iOS.cs by following

private static void InitialiseUnity(UIKit.UIView parentView = null)
            if (IsUnityInitialised)

#if __IOS__ 
            framework = UnityFramework.LoadUnity();

            framework.RegisterFrameworkListener(new UnityBridge_UnityFrameworkListener());
            Bridge.RegisterUnityContentReceiver(new UnityBridge_UnityContentReceiver());

            if (parentView == null)
                var argc = 0;
                var argv = IntPtr.Zero;
                var options = new NSDictionary();
                framework.RunEmbeddedWithArgc(argc, argv, options, parentView);

        public static void ShowUnityWindow(UIKit.UIView parentView = null)
            if (!IsUnityInitialised)
#if __IOS__ 
            if (framework != null)

and call this stuff from anywhere by UnityBridge.ShowUnityWindow(unityHost.ToPlatform(Handler.MauiContext));, where unityHost is a element.

Unfortunately, I am getting the error `ObjCRuntime.ObjCException: Objective-C exception thrown.  Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: -[UnityFramework runEmbeddedWithArgc:argv:appLaunchOpts:parentView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x301e1f780
Native stack trace:
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001a4decf2c

Do you have an idea how to solve this use case? @matthewrdev

matthewrdev commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @SGoerzen,

We have experimented with this at Red-Point, with a little bit of success, but haven't made a concerted effort to use MAUI over the top of Unity.

It is possible (somewhat) but we found it had a few caveats:

SGoerzen commented 2 weeks ago

@matthewrdev Thank you for reply! Sad to hear but it helps a lot.

Do you know if it has the same issues on other platforms? (As Unity has mentioned it on their page) Or is it just a MAUI problem?

matthewrdev commented 2 weeks ago

@SGoerzen I would image this affects other platforms as Unity explicitly mentions it in their documentation.

To use native controls for Unity, the approach is to host them inside the Unity root view, rather than hosting the Unity viewer inside the native control.

Best of luck with the project!

SGoerzen commented 2 weeks ago

@matthewrdev thanks for your quick answers!

tried out the Flutter widget and integrated my AR application into the Flutter app with working gesture control (Vuforia is still to be tested).

I really dislike Flutter... but I guess I need to use it for now.

For long term: What do you think, would it be possible to adapt this widget for MAUI? I think there is needed to adapt AppDelegate.cs and e.g. translate especially these classes into C# and MAUI:

Is it worth trying it?