matthewrudy / memoist

ActiveSupport::Memoizable with a few enhancements
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Is Memoist Thread Safe? #45

Open benlieb opened 8 years ago

benlieb commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to make my app thread-safe to use the Puma server.

I'm using this in my payments code and don't want to get this wrong!

app/models/concerns/user_stripe_payments_module.rb:8: memoize :payment_profile # reload and rememoizes with #payment_profile(true) app/models/concerns/user_stripe_payments_module.rb:15: def rememoize_payment_profile

matthewrudy commented 8 years ago

@benlieb that depends what you mean by thread-safe. It doesn't synchronize calls to the cache.

But it depends what objects your memoizing, and how they're used across threads.

At the end of the day memoist is mostly just the same as taking

def my_method

And changing it to

def my_method
  @__my_method ||= do_something

If you really wanted to make this "safe" you'd have to do

def initialize(*args)
  @__my_method_mutex =

def my_method
  @__my_method_mutex.synchronize do
    @__my_method ||= do_something

but that seems crazy

Maybe you can write a minimal example of what you're trying to do, and I can comment on whether its "safe"

benlieb commented 8 years ago

Basically I want to run my app with Puma on Heroku, which requires "thread-safety". Looking through several articles on the subject, both memoizing and using ||= can be issues when aiming for thread safety. I'm not an expert, but the two articles that I read in-depth were:

I'm not doing anything fancy, but I just want to ensure that all my gems (not picking on you guys :) are thread-safe. In my case the worse case would be one user somehow making a payment with another user's payment profile, as shown above, but here is the code:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Memoist
  include UserStripePaymentsModule

# consolidates payment-realted methods, in this case for Stripe
# try to consider method names that are generic to continue to be used if
# stripe is swapped for a different payment processor in future
module UserStripePaymentsModule 
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    memoize :payment_profile # reload and rememoizes with #payment_profile(true)

  def payment_profile
    Stripe::Client.instance.customer_get self

  def rememoize_payment_profile

  def has_cc_on_file?

  def cc_info
    return nil unless has_payment_profile?

  def cc_last4
    cc_info && cc_info.last4

  def has_payment_profile?
matthewrudy commented 8 years ago

Ok, so to simplify your example, cut memoist out of it.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  def payment_profile
    @payment_profile ||= Stripe::Client.instance.customer_get self

So this is memoized for an instance of user

Two threads running on Puma may do something like this:

Thread#1 user = User.find 123; user.payment_profile
Thread#2 user = User.find 123; user.payment_profile

But these two user objects are different. So actually this doesn't matter.

What you do need to do is ensure that your classes are loaded at boot or you could have race conditions where loading user.rb happened twice, and memoized it twice.

But rails loading handles this for you.

benlieb commented 8 years ago

This is a rails app, so the loading issue should be taken care of, or am I wrong?

matthewrudy commented 8 years ago

@benlieb yeah.

matthewrudy commented 8 years ago

An example of how you could mess this up.

user = User.find 123
5.times do do
    5.times do

but that's only because you're using a shared object across threads, and not synchronizing state.

Muriel-Salvan commented 4 years ago

+1 on having it thread-safe, as in the example provided by @matthewrudy . It could be optional (like having memoize and memoize_threadsafe methods) as I guess having every call protected by a mutex could be harmful performance wise. A developer should know which of its methods should be thread-safe, and not all of them should be. Hence having the possibility to switch this option per memoized method might be good.

pboling commented 3 months ago



Consider using MemoWise instead, as it is maintained, fully tested, provides thread safety guarantees, and is much, much faster.

Other Alternatives

In case you need a tool with this feature set that is currently maintained, check out:

Seriously though, read the important note above.

If you must continue - be aware that this is unmaintained software.