Closed cls03 closed 2 years ago
This is a problem caused when there were either zero or one nodes within a particular network window. I have now adjusted the cmr_igraph() function so that this error should be avoided and it provides warnings when this is the case, as it is an indicator that networks are likely very sparse with the inputs provided.
I am trying to run my capture mark recapture data through the CMRnet package, and MultiMoveNetCreate() and am hitting issues after generating the movement network. i've gone through the vignettes and am still lost. I can't figure out where I've gone wrong. I keep getting the error when running the cmr_igraph line:
Error in if (nrow(adjmatrix) != ncol(adjmatrix)) { : argument is of length zero
Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1: cmr_igraph(movementmodel, type = "multiplex") 2: igraph::graph.adjacency(tmat1, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE) 3: graph.adjacency.dense(adjmatrix, mode = mode, weighted = weighted, diag = diag
Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of what I'm doing wrong? Thanks so much.