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Microphones and Passwords? Just Say No. #3

Open utterances-bot opened 6 months ago

utterances-bot commented 6 months ago

Microphones and Passwords? Just Say No. | Matt’s Blog

I was recently doing some development for an upcoming Building Jarvis article which involved sending audio captured with my laptop microphone to a 3rd-party API. I would send spoken audio to the service, and it would send back a text transcription. Cool stuff. But then, in one of my tests, I accidentally sent some audio where I hadn’t said anything. Surprisingly, I received a response back with transcribed text. The service had heard my TV; which was playing Star Trek with the volume on my sound system’s lowest audio setting from across the room, transcribed the episode’s dialog, and sent it back to me. Now keep in mind that I hadn’t just turned on the TV. I had been watching this show in the background thr

matthewyancer commented 6 months ago

This report from Tom's Hardware says that researchers have been able to successfully attack up to 27.9% of partial fingerprints using the sounds made when swiping on a touchscreen. Having an open mic while using an app such as Discord, Skype, WeChat, FaceTime, Teams, Zoom, etc. and swiping on the screen can expose your biometric information. Concerning given that while it's easy to change a password, it's somewhat difficult to change your finger.