matthias-bs / ATC_MiThermometer

Arduino BLE Client library for receiving ATC_MiThermometer Data (as Advertising Data)
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

Non blocking miThermometer.getData() #3

Open Art-ut-Kia opened 1 year ago

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

Hi, very happy to have found this library. I'd like to integrate several Mijia temp sensors in a home monitoring system.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The example (ESP32_ATC_MiThermometer_Client.ino) works well. However the miThermometer.getData() is blocking. It's not a good news to have the ESP32 blocked for 5 seconds and not reacting to the user inputs

Describe the solution you'd like A callback mechanism, integrated in the ATC_MiThermometer class, that would manage the sensor callbacks

Describe alternatives you've considered Make use of FreeRtos to launch getData in a seperate task. But I'm not sure it's compatible with NimBLEDevice.h/.cpp

Additional context Ideally my system would include a touchscreen and implement a thermostat feature. Blocking that for 5s is not acceptable

matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

This makes sense! It may take a while until I find some spare time to work on it, though!

In any case, I recommend to use instead of this repository.

matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

Did you have a look at this?

It seems to be possible to set a "scan end callback".

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

Thanx for your answers. Meanwhile, I gave a try to FreeRTOS. I plugged it in your example from "". After tarnsferring all the code from loop() function into a FreeRTOS task, it worked fine and let the loop() function free for doing any required itterative stuff. Thanx again for your job.

matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

Oh, that's good news! Would you mind providing your code as an example?

You can either fork the repository and make a pull request or attach your code to this issue and I will try to integrate it.

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago
// Mijia lywsd03mmc thermometers are first to be loaded with a custom firmware as per:

#include <FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS.h>
#include "ATC_MiThermometer.h"

// List of known sensors' BLE addresses
std::vector<std::string> knownBLEAddresses = {"a4:c1:38:02:8B:E0", "a4:c1:38:64:8F:10", "a4:c1:38:F3:C1:B4"};
ATC_MiThermometer miTh(knownBLEAddresses);

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  miTh.begin(); // initialization of Mijia sensors acquisition
  xTaskCreate(miThTask     ,   "miThTask",      10000,  NULL,        1,   NULL); // stack size: tried 1000, not sufficient
  //          task function, name of task, stack size, param, priority, handle

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

void miThTask(void *pvParameters) {
  while (1) {
    miTh.resetData(); // Set sensor data invalid
    unsigned count = miTh.getData(5); // get sensor data (run BLE scan for 5 seconds)
    Serial.println("BLE Devices found (total): " + String(count));
    for (int i=0; i <; i++) {  
      if ([i].valid) {
        MiThData_S* pMTD = &[i]; // Mijia thermometer data pointer
        Serial.printf("sensor #: %d ; ", i);
        Serial.printf("temperature: %.2f°C ; ", pMTD->temperature *0.01f );
        Serial.printf("humidity: %.2f%% ; ",    pMTD->humidity    *0.01f );
        Serial.printf("voltage: %.3fV ; ",      pMTD->batt_voltage*0.001f);
        Serial.printf("battery charge: %d%% ; ",pMTD->batt_level);
        Serial.printf("RF power: %ddBm\n",      pMTD->rssi);
    miTh.clearScanResults(); // clear results from BLEScan buffer to release memory
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

I have a github account, but I'm not fluent at all with forks and pull requests. So I let you integrate it. To complete that and make the code usable, I will implement MutEx mechanisms to pass the sensors readings to other tasks (e.g. to the loop() function) rather than printing it on serial monitor. I will also share the relevant code.

matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much in advance!

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

A little bit complicated, with a lot of data copies. But it's the price to pay to render the sensors acquisition non blocking. Still missing a semaphore mechanism to indicate that data were refreshed

// non-blocing Mijia lywsd03mmc thermometers acquisition
// based on this library:
// Mijia lywsd03mmc thermometers are first to be loaded with a custom firmware as per:

#include "ATC_MiThermometer.h"

// List of known sensors' BLE addresses
std::vector<std::string> knownBLEAddresses = {"a4:c1:38:02:8B:E0", "a4:c1:38:64:8F:10", "a4:c1:38:F3:C1:B4"};
ATC_MiThermometer miTh(knownBLEAddresses);

MiThData_S miThData[3];
SemaphoreHandle_t mutex[3];

void setup() {
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++) mutex[i] = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
  miTh.begin(); // initialization of Mijia sensors acquisition
  xTaskCreate(miThReadingTask,   "miThTask",      10000,  NULL,        1,   NULL); // stack size: tried 1000, not sufficient
  //            task function, name of task, stack size, param, priority, handle

void loop() {
  int count = 0;
  for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {

    // gets a local copy of the ith sensor reading
    // mutex protection ensures reading struct integrity
    MiThData_S miThDat;
    if (xSemaphoreTake(mutex[i], (TickType_t)10)==pdTRUE) {
      miThDat = miThData[i];
    } else miThDat.valid = false;

    // displays sensor # and sensor reading if valid
    if (miThDat.valid) {
      Serial.printf("sensor #%d -> ", i);
      Serial.printf("temperature: %.2fC ; ",   miThDat.temperature *0.01f );
      Serial.printf("humidity: %.2f%% ; ",     miThDat.humidity    *0.01f );
      Serial.printf("voltage: %.3fV ; ",       miThDat.batt_voltage*0.001f);
      Serial.printf("battery charge: %d%% ; ", miThDat.batt_level);
      Serial.printf("RF power: %ddBm\n",       miThDat.rssi);
  if (count) Serial.println();
  vTaskDelay(6000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

void miThReadingTask(void *pvParameters) {
  while (1) {
    miTh.resetData(); // Set sensor data invalid
    miTh.getData(5); // get sensor data (run BLE scan for 5 seconds)
    // makes a copy of each sensor reading under mutex protection
    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) if (xSemaphoreTake(mutex[i], (TickType_t)10)==pdTRUE) {
      miThData[i] =[i];
    } else miThData[i].valid = false;
    miTh.clearScanResults(); // clear results from BLEScan buffer to release memory
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
matthias-bs commented 1 year ago


thank you very much! I added it to the examples directory.

The CI run (see gives me a compile error due to FreeRTOS missing:

Building ATC_MiThermometer_Nonblocking.ino ... 
/home/runner/work/ATC_MiThermometer/ATC_MiThermometer/examples/ATC_MiThermometer_Nonblocking/ATC_MiThermometer_Nonblocking.ino:9:10: fatal error: FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
 #include <FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS.h>
compilation terminated. 

Where can I find it to include it in the build run?

Thanks in advance!


matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

O.k., it works if I comment out this #include directive. Seems to be part of the Arduino-ESP32 environment.

I also had to add the following for the generic esp32:esp32:esp32 target:

#define LED_BUILTIN 13

Which target have you been using?

matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

Please let me know when you think you have a stable version; I will create a new release then.

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

The FreeRTOS library can be downloaded from Arduino IDE as can be seen in the following screenshot


Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

I am configuring my Arduino IDE (2.0.3) for the board Wemos R1 D32. I had to explicitely download the FreeRTOS library. Regarding the LED_BUILTIN it's declared somewhere for the Wemos R1 D32. Take care that for the Wemos R1 D32 board, the built-in LED is not on pin 13

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

Please let me know when you think you have a stable version; I will create a new release then.


matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

The FreeRTOS library can be downloaded from Arduino IDE as can be seen in the following screenshot


Hmmm... I could not find it in Arduino IDE 1.8.19. Now I've updated to 2.0.3. The sketch still compiles without installing FreeRTOS explicitely. And the documentation for this library says it's for AVR targets. I'm not sure if this is actually used for the ESP32.

Art-ut-Kia commented 1 year ago

You are right. I removed the #include and it works the same. Obviously it load the right library depending on the selected board.


matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

Is there anything to be done or can you close this issue?

bazooka02 commented 1 year ago

Hi @matthias-bs,

I would like to extend it a bit: There are a few places in this example, where you could find "magic numbers". I think it would be better if you could Manage it form one numeric constant, makes it easier to adopt into your case.

e.g: const int Sensors = 9; . MiThData_S miThData[Sensors]; SemaphoreHandle_t mutex[Sensors]; . for (int i = 0; i < Sensors; i++) mutex[i] = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); . for (int i = 0; i < Sensors; i++) { . for (int i = 0; i < Sensors; i++)

What do you think?

+1: I also created a Struct to be able to bind together the Name of the sensor and the Mac address.

matthias-bs commented 1 year ago

Hi @bazooka02,

That sounds good! Please feel free to implement the changes and make a pull request!

Regards Matthias