matthiasmullie / scrapbook

PHP cache library, with adapters for e.g. Memcached, Redis, Couchbase, APC(u), SQL and additional capabilities (e.g. transactions, stampede protection) built on top.
MIT License
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tests cache/integration-tests dependency #32

Closed bkdotcom closed 6 years ago

bkdotcom commented 6 years ago

This may fall under "question", and if so, I apologize...

tests/Docker/ calls composer require league/flysystem

when/how does composer require --dev cache/integration-tests:dev-master get called (via travis)?

make test

There were 2 incomplete tests:

1) MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Tests\Psr6\Integration\IntegrationPoolTest::testIncomplete Missing dependencies. Please run: composer require --dev cache/integration-tests:dev-master


2) MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Tests\Psr16\Integration\IntegrationTest::testIncomplete Missing dependencies. Please run: composer require --dev cache/integration-tests:dev-master


matthiasmullie commented 6 years ago

It looks like I lost this dependency while switching over to Docker for the tests. Added cache/integration-tests to as well!