matthiasn / talk-transcripts

Transcripts of Clojure-related talks
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Areas of Interest for Clojure's Core - Rich Hickey #112

Closed lread closed 1 year ago

lread commented 1 year ago

Keynote at the 2011 Clojure Conj

lread commented 1 year ago

Hi @matthiasn, what an awesome collection you have here!

Hopefully, you will appreciate my little contributions. I noticed some really good content in this old keynote from Rich Hickey and went ahead and transcribed it. It's also historically interesting.

@jafingerhut was kind enough to give me some tips. I followed his lead on including text of slides instead of images of slides.

When there were images in the slides, I tried to describe them, but also included the original image under a dropdown, should the reader want to take a peek.

Reminders for future me:

  1. Initial pass with audio uploaded to (I took a 1 month subscription to try it out)
  2. Make a full pass listening with, making any obvious corrections.
  3. Load audio up in audacity and denoise it for trickier bits.
  4. Take a pass with Grammarly on the text to find any obvious spellos and punctuation issues.
  5. Take a final pass with the original video, making any final corrections.
  6. I tried for the few really poor audio segments, but it wasn't much help here.

My strategy was to try to preserve the text they way it was spoken. removed the uhms and ahs. I removed some of the "you knows" and "likes" and words that were repeated when the speaker was simply formulating a thought.

I added headings so folks can link to sections they might be interested in.