matthijs110 / chromium-country-flags

Replaces mysterious country codes automatically with the corresponding flag. The solution for Chromium users on Windows!
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Version 2.0.0: new approach to replace the font families #3

Closed matthijs110 closed 1 month ago

matthijs110 commented 1 month ago

Thanks to @luuk777w version 2.0.0 uses a new approach to set the 'Twemoji Country Flags' as primary font. From now on, the extention creates an additional style tag in the document head containing each exisiting CSS selector of the website that has a font-family property inside it. This way, the font family is changed on class base, instead of individual HTML elements.

This PR also fixes issue #2 where - in rare occasions - the font family could not be set.

Last, but not least, this version should also improve the experience on YouTube. Sometimes the flag was not visible at all.