matthijskooijman / arduino-lmic

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lmic is not sending enough NewChannelAns ? #18

Open Oliv4945 opened 8 years ago

Oliv4945 commented 8 years ago


I worked with an operator to validate the stack on their network and we might have spotted an issue I want to discuss with you before sending a PR : when the operator is sending several NewChannelReq in one downstream message, it expects several NewChannelAns in the following upstream message.

I am not sure of the interpretation of the LoraWAN spec 1.0 (page 28, L8), which is

The end-device acknowledges the reception of a NewChannelReq by sending back a NewChannelAns command.

Currently, the stack only answers one NewChannelAns for each frame, regardless the number of NewChannelReq inside.
Does somebody else thinks that if the stack receives X NewChannelReq in one dowlink frame, it should send X NewChannelAns in the next uplink frame ? If so, I will do a PR on the code I wrote.

matthijskooijman commented 8 years ago

Interesting question. I don't really know what the correct answer to this is. I've asked on the Things Network slack, I'll forward any replies here. Perhaps you could ask your question on The Things Network forum, there's a lot of LoRaWAN experts reading along there :-)

avbentem commented 8 years ago

For future reference: the question was posted on