matthijskooijman / arduino-lmic

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radio.c:750 - no idea what's wrong #218

Open E2w4UmWh opened 5 years ago

E2w4UmWh commented 5 years ago

Hello all,

I'm running a dragino LoRa Shield v1.4 on an Arduino Uno on 433 MHz. Arduino reports me the following error: FAILURE ...\radio.c:750

I have no clue, where to start from the debugging, as I do not understand the goal of the code around line 750. Any hint, how to proceed is welcome ...

dl1mtk commented 5 years ago

Arduino Reports me the same error. I use the 868 MHz Version.


matthijskooijman commented 5 years ago

What version are you using? The (latest) version in this repo does not have any assert in that particular line:

Perhaps you could look up the corresponding line (and a few lines around it) in your version and paste it here? That should give some hint about what's wrong.

dl1mtk commented 5 years ago

That is suspect. I think I have the lastest version. Downloaded 2 or 3 days ago from github.

But in my line 750 is something different I marked it (right side).

I will check it again later

Thx Holger

  // Sets a Frequency in HF band
    u4_t frf = 868000000;
    writeReg(RegFrfMsb, (u1_t)(frf>>16));
    writeReg(RegFrfMid, (u1_t)(frf>> 8));
    writeReg(RegFrfLsb, (u1_t)(frf>> 0));

    // Launch Rx chain calibration for HF band
#endif /* CFG_sx1276mb1_board */



// return next random byte derived from seed buffer
// (buf[0] holds index of next byte to be returned)
u1_t radio_rand1 () {
    u1_t i = randbuf[0];
    ASSERT( i != 0 );                                                                                 // That is Line 750
    if( i==16 ) {
        os_aes(AES_ENC, randbuf, 16); // encrypt seed with any key
        i = 0;
    u1_t v = randbuf[i++];
    randbuf[0] = i;
    return v;
matthijskooijman commented 5 years ago

Hm, haven't seen that error before. It's asserting about an internal randomization variable, that really should never be zero. Two possible causes spring to mind:

moferreira commented 5 years ago

I am new to IoT/Lora so I got a Dragino Lora IOT Kit V2. I am getting the same message at the serial monitor:

Connect to TTN and Send data to mydevice cayenne(Use DHT11 Sensor): ########### COUNT=1 ########### The temperature and humidity: [0.00℃,0.00%] FAILURE /root/Arduino/libraries/arduino-lmic-master/src/lmic/radio.c:750

Any help? Please consider I am a beginner. Thanks.