matthiku / cSpot

c-SPOT - the church-Services Planning Online Tool
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Strange error shown when starting sheetmusic presentation #130

Closed matthiku closed 8 years ago

matthiku commented 8 years ago

The error in the usual popup is: "Error! Item with ID "fonts" was not found! (F:show)"

Steps to reproduce:

  1. From the Plan Overview page, click on "Sheetmusic"
  2. Advance to the first song and the error occurs

Before the first song is shown, you can see in the Dev.Console of the browser, Network tab, a request to the "home" location ( of the page which is, however, cancelled.

Initiator of this request is "", and this is what causes the error message!

matthiku commented 8 years ago

Problem was html code error in flashing.blade.php, line 7: <h2><i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner fa-4"></i> wait ...</h2> The 'wait ...' characters were erroneously within the 'i' tag!