Have a problem with data duplication. No idea if that is Django related or jchart. Everytime I refresh the page, my bar chart is keep getting duplicated. It grows with the new data I add to the chart.
I create a new chart object from my and pass it to my template. This adds my new data to my old data and the chart just grows. Am I missing some init somewhere?
Why are you calling setData from the view function, a get_datasets method within the Chart class should be enough. Please consult this page of the documentation.
Hi, Have a problem with data duplication. No idea if that is Django related or jchart. Everytime I refresh the page, my bar chart is keep getting duplicated. It grows with the new data I add to the chart.
views.py: I create a new chart object from my and pass it to my template. This adds my new data to my old data and the chart just grows. Am I missing some init somewhere?
Sorry for the reopening, I am new to GitHub :)