matthojo / videojs-Background

Allows for videos to be displayed as a full background to any element.
MIT License
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Does not display background <div> in Fullscreen mode (see jsbin example) #20

Closed videojs-user closed 8 years ago

videojs-user commented 8 years ago,output

Should it work in Fullscreen mode, if not, can you explain why not?

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

In case relevant: Using chomium version 50.0.2661.102 Ubuntu 16.04

matthojo commented 8 years ago


I cannot seem to replicate these results on my Mac using latest Chrome. By Fullscreen are you referring to or native fullscreen?

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

Hi, Can you run the code outside of jsbin and click the control bar Fullscreen icon. Can you still see the white square?

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

Just checked latest Firefox 46.0.1 for ubuntu 16.4 and same result - no white square displayed.

matthojo commented 8 years ago

Does this only happen for you on fullscreen? Do you have any styles for video.js (not just this plugin) that makes video z-index higher when fullscreen?

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

Yes, only fails in videojs initiated Fullscreen mode. Works correctly in F11 key initiated fullscreen.

No extra styles, all code is shown in .HTML file and is identical to your original plugin code.

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

Can you run the .HTML file as is and confirm you can still see the white square in native (videojs initiated) Fullscreen mode when using Mac?

matthojo commented 8 years ago

Sorry I understand the issue now, the white div is not overlaying over the top of the video because you are using the videos native 'fullscreen' button. The browser then makes the video fullscreen and overlays on top of everything - just like a normal video fullscreen.

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

Good, so, should your plugin show the white div or not in this Fullscreen mode - in your opinion?

matthojo commented 8 years ago

Not, as this is for a background element of a page rather than to override the native fullscreen display of video.

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

OK.... So in what way is the videojs control bar (

) different to this background white square (
), since the control bar is obviously still visible in Fullscreen mode? Should they not be treated the same way within videojs? After all, they are both just Components within the videojs hierarchy.

Is this a logical argument or am I misunderstanding something about the composition of videojs?

videojs-user commented 8 years ago

Could you raise this point with videojs guys, please.