matthojo / videojs-Background

Allows for videos to be displayed as a full background to any element.
MIT License
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The element or ID supplied is not valid #7

Closed nppsbh closed 9 years ago

nppsbh commented 9 years ago

Hi. I could not get it working. I am getting this error 'The element or ID supplied is not valid. (videojs)'. Calling 'videojs('bg-video').Background();'. Can you help me on this? Thanks. video.js 4.12.11

matthojo commented 9 years ago

Hello, do you have you video element setup like the example ?

Are you also calling your video script in your head or via onLoad? Moving your script tag to the end of your page, or add an onLoad handler so it fires after the page has loaded.

nppsbh commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your quick answer. I made a test with your full example and it is working very well, i must say. I test it also with youtube.js plugin. Definitely it is something wrong on my side. Thanks.

matthojo commented 9 years ago

No problem, are you able to post up what you currently have on CodePen / jsFiddle or somewhere? I could maybe help you solve your issue :)

nppsbh commented 9 years ago

I was calling video.js, youtube.js and videojs-background.js in the 'head' element, moving to the end of page start working without any issues. Thanks a lot for your help. If you could give me your opinion about video.js i really appreciate. It is off topic, but here it is. I am using video.js script to load a simple video as background, without controls, very simple thing. My question is, should i remove in video.js script all unnecessary calls to make it lighter, or, in your opinion, it is not necessary? Once again thank you for your support.

matthojo commented 9 years ago

The only issue with removing components of the library, is if you update the library you will have to re-remove all the bits you don't need.

Excluding the above, I don't foresee any issues from cropping up if you only remove the components you don't need, and that the components you remove are not referenced or used elsewhere.