matthuisman / docker-kodi-headless

A headless install of kodi in a docker container
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Nexus-latest changes /config ownership to '911:1000' ignoring -e PIG/GID #31

Closed tuxwielder closed 1 year ago

tuxwielder commented 1 year ago

Hi Matt,

Looks like (re)pulling/rebuilding to Nexus-latest causes the ownership of the /config-folder to be changed to UID/GID '911/1000'. This is ignoring explicitly issued '-e PUID= -e PGID=' directives.

Stopping the container, reinstating folder ownership and starting the container seems to work though...

With kind regards,


matthuisman commented 1 year ago

i have just tried and PUID and PGID both working fine for me. confirmed my mounted /config directory on host had its user and group changed when container started

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

actually, on my 2nd run I struck the 911 issue

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

seems random when it has issues and changes permission to 911. I suspect it may be a bug from s6v3 legacy support. Working on now changing the container to use proper s6v3

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

Looks like 911 is the default if PUID is not set. so i suspect once i go to s6v3 and the order of config is set, it should fix it

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

this seems to now be fixed in latest container using s6v3 :)

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

@scambra @Enrico2 FYI :)

Enrico2 commented 1 year ago

new container fixed this! Thanks @matthuisman