matthuisman / docker-kodi-headless

A headless install of kodi in a docker container
GNU General Public License v3.0
124 stars 11 forks source link

Is it possible to run this with sqlite instead #51

Closed tian2992 closed 1 month ago

tian2992 commented 1 month ago

Id love to use this for local hosting my files. However id rather not run Yet another MySQL any chance to use integrated db and bind to a local volume for easy bootstrapping? I checked the docker file and Compose but still not sure on how to run it as a sqlite.

matthuisman commented 1 month ago

why? You lose the benefit of a shared DB = the entire purpose of this headless.

tian2992 commented 1 month ago

I just need a single user to access it via network API. no need for high concurrency or sharing the DB files across the network. And I know i could just run Kodi on the server but i dont need GUI there...

matthuisman commented 1 month ago kodi stores its dbs in kodi/userdata so just mount that to a volume with -v :/config/.kodi

Your going to struggle to add media sources etc via the web gui, but thats a kodi issue - not a headless issue.

good luck