matthuisman / docker-kodi-headless

A headless install of kodi in a docker container
GNU General Public License v3.0
124 stars 11 forks source link

Watchdog plugin #9

Closed BRTPOB closed 2 years ago

BRTPOB commented 2 years ago

This is more of a question than an actual issue, since I absolutely love your headless Docker container. Have you gotten the watchdog plugin to work at all? I tried using it before but I could never get it working properly. If not, then that's fine and this can be closed out.

matthuisman commented 2 years ago

Never tried to be honest sorry. You could probably just have a Cron job running every hour to start a library scan if an hour frequency is enough.

I personally just use a python script that names my movies correctly, copies them into my media directory and then calls Kodi api to start a scan.

But I do know lots use more automation with tv shows etc