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Combination EPG (all/epg.xml.gz) #40

Open hc205 opened 1 year ago

hc205 commented 1 year ago

Hello, can you please make an EPG file that combines programming for every service you have EPG data for? The file at all/epg.xml.gz only has program data for a few of the channels. Thanks.

Toei79 commented 1 year ago

you can do a script for that. or just xmltv tools there its other xml tools too on github.

hc205 commented 1 year ago

you can do a script for that. or just xmltv tools there its other xml tools too on github.

How would I make a script for that?

Mikhel commented 8 months ago

That would be cool to have for people who don't have computers and don't know how to run scripts to conglomerate multiple EPG files.

From what I have seen the majority of playlists can be populated with a combination of the following EPG xml.gz files: roku, plex (all.xml.gz) and samsung (all.xml.gz).

I tried it on channel lists for LG, Vizio, TCL, Firetv and redbox and a combination of those populated mostly every channel (those playlists can be found in apsattv's stream section).

Unfortunately most free apps only allow 1 EPG file per playlist.

Hopefully it could happen.
