matthuisman / samsung-tvplus-for-channels

Samsung TV Plus for Channels
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epg markup issue #10

Open bobweston opened 12 months ago

bobweston commented 12 months ago

I'll start by saying i love this.

But I have noticed an issue with the EPG when it reads the data for the Magellan TV Now channel.

In Channels, the guide data only says "Magellan TV Now" which is what is inside of the display-name field.

But it appears the information in "title" or "sub-title" would be a lot more informative. Most of the other channels are working as expected. (at least what I've noticed).

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

The full markup for that channel is below:

<channel id="USAJ340000677">
    <display-name>Magellan TV Now</display-name>
    <icon src=""/>
  <programme channel="USAJ340000677" start="20230702170000 +0000" stop="20230702180000 +0000">
    <title>Wildest Islands</title>
    <sub-title>Caribbean: The Wild Side of Paradise</sub-title>
    <desc>The Caribbean is a tropical paradise. Each with it's own unique wildlife.</desc>
    <icon src=""/>
matthuisman commented 12 months ago

is that a bug in Channels itself? It should use the EPG title / sub-title / description and not the channel display name