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[NEON] Playback error "Brightcove: Designated resource not found" #550

Open Firesphere opened 1 year ago

Firesphere commented 1 year ago

On NEON, we tried to play the show "The Good Doctor". Specifically, Season 5. This season did play before (A year or more ago? So older Kodi version), but today gave the error (summarised):

2023-09-10 21:25:50.329 T:26677   debug <general>: slyguy.neon - Could not find a media source from Brightcove
                                                   Server Message: The designated resource was not found.
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.slyguy/resources/modules/slyguy/", line 41, in throwable
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.slyguy/resources/modules/slyguy/", line 115, in dispatch
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.slyguy/resources/modules/slyguy/", line 59, in decorated_function
                                                       item = f(*args, **kwargs)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.slyguy/resources/modules/slyguy/", line 50, in decorated_function
                                                       return f(*args, **kwargs)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/slyguy.neon/resources/lib/", line 250, in play
                                                       item = api.get_brightcove_src(referenceID, jwt_token)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/slyguy.neon/resources/lib/", line 145, in get_brightcove_src
                                                       return util.process_brightcove(data)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.slyguy/resources/modules/slyguy/", line 368, in process_brightcove
                                                       raise Error(_(_.NO_BRIGHTCOVE_SRC, error=msg))
                                                   slyguy.exceptions.Error: Could not find a media source from Brightcove
                                                   Server Message: The designated resource was not found.

Episode 1 nor episode 18 from season 5 would not play. However, they play just fine on my normal laptop.

I have a full debug log, but it's a bit large. See attached.

System details: Location: Wellington, NZ. ISP: 2Degrees Broadband System: Raspberry Pi 4B 8G RAM version OS: LibreELEC latest (11.0.3) Kodi: 20.2

In the attached log, if I recall correctly, the following is what I did, in order: (I may be mistaken, but it was something like this) The Good Doctor S05E18 - Error Random show/episode - Success The Good Doctor S01E01 - Success The Good Doctor S05E18 - Error

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

your log cuts off the start - which is most important and tells me the versions of all the addons

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

im trying to test now but the login i have access it is "basic" plan and can only stream one at a time and the user is using it currently.

If you can provide a login that will work for me to test with, get in touch:

Firesphere commented 1 year ago

your log cuts off the start - which is most important and tells me the versions of all the addons

Hmmm, I'll see if I can get that via a reboot. I cut off the top of the log, because it was all repeating "getting weather update", as the Kodi box had been sitting doing nothing but that all day.

Will probably be tomorrow though.

p.s. Sadly, I also only have a basic plan myself, so can't really that easily share either :(

matthuisman commented 1 year ago

thats ok. ill keep trying the login i have. im sure they should stop streaming eventually so i can see the requests i need :)