matthuisman / slyguy.addons

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Global Search+ (allow searching original title etc) #730

Closed matthuisman closed 1 month ago

matthuisman commented 2 months ago

"Thank you for your Add-on. Installed in on my Kodi (which uses Actic Zephyr Reloaded skin), Kodi said it would uninstall Global Search (sans +) first, then fretted that that was used by the skin so couldn't do it, but still installed GS+ alongside the original anyways, and it works.

Wonder if you plan on developing it further. Maybe I am alone in lacking better search functionality, but it seems to me it would be great to include options to search by various metadata fields as well, primarily Original Title for movies and show episodes, and in Tags. My media library is organized so as to preserve original non-English titles of the media in the Original Title field, and currently I see no way to search by these names. Same goes for tags, yes, you can search by them in the Tags submenu if the skin has it or you've added it there yourself, but it would be only logical to make them searchable in global search as well, which is the logical place to search for stuff, and has search history.

If you were to include these fields (and perhaps other fields as well, though I personally don't care for anything else), as an option, that would make your search more "global" and "+", and me - one happy camper"

matthuisman commented 1 month ago

script.globalsearch -> v99.0.13 released which adds settings for

1) Search in Title (default true) 2) Search in Original Title (default true) 3) Search in Tags (default false)

These apply to Movies / Tv Shows / Episodes