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Feature Request: IPTV Merge "Sort By" Function #800

Open mfreeman72 opened 1 month ago

mfreeman72 commented 1 month ago

Some context: So, since the SlyGuy Pluto TV addon is having some difficulties currently, I'm temporarily using the Lunatixz Pluto TV addon instead. It is compatible with IPTV Merge, and so I can combine it with my other Live TV sources. Currently, my Live TV source list includes TV Headend PVR addon (for local broadcast TV through my antenna), and IPTV Merge along with Stremium (for my Philo TV service) and Pluto TV. Ideally, I want the channels to be grouped together by their source. So, the top of the channel list is my antenna channels, next in the list is my Philo channels, and last in the list is Pluto TV channels in their normal grouping order that you'd see if you were watching it on the Pluto TV website.

Now the problem: Now that I'm using Lunatixz Pluto TV addon, it brings in the channels in a very mixed-up order for some reason. To fix the order, I have to set IPTV Merge's "Ignore Playlist Channel Numbers" setting to False. When I do this, it organizes the channels according to channel numbers, which makes the order according to Pluto TV's normal groupings. However, it's too strict, and actually strictly assigns the channel numbers. This means that now, instead of having the three sources in their own places in the Live TV channel list, I now have Pluto TV channels mixed into the middle of my local broadcast TV channels.

Proposal: Give IPTV Merge the ability to sort the channels in a several different ways. One way would be to sort the channels according to channel number, BUT still allow the "Ignore Playlist Channel Numbers" to be in effect. That way, something like the Lunatixz Pluto TV addon can be sorted into its channel number order, while keeping it from strictly assigning it to those channel numbers in Kodi. Other sorting methods might include: Alphabetical, Alphabetical by Group, Channel Numbers by Group, and No sort. This would not only help with my problem, but also might add some flexibility to customize how things are presented through IPTV Merge.

matthuisman commented 1 month ago

"It is compatible with IPTV Merge,"

Technically it isn't. But I made IPTV merge be able to appear like "IPTV Manager" so anything compatible with IPTV Manager, Merge can work with :)

mfreeman72 commented 1 month ago

Well, however it's done, it functions properly, except for this channel order thing. Thank you so much for all your hard work on these addons! They are seriously the best thing out there on Kodi!