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MAX add-on - error in the Hubs section #849

Open zuzia-dev opened 1 month ago

zuzia-dev commented 1 month ago

In the Polish version of MAX there is a bug for Hubs (Huby w pigułce). The error occurs in KODI v21 Omega and v22.0-ALPHA1 Piers on Linux x86 platform. It can be replicated by switching to the Polish localization with any MAX account.



matthuisman commented 1 month ago

thanks, so switching to another language is OK?

zuzia-dev commented 1 month ago

For example, for the U.S. location, this section is now called the "Brand Spotlight" and is empty in KODI although it should list the content.



matthuisman commented 1 month ago

oh understood. i think i just have not implemented that type of data yet. I added an exception so users will let me know what ive missed :P

zuzia-dev commented 1 month ago

These categories are also not working in the Home section:


In Polish MAX these are:
