mattias-ohlsson / iprediaos

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add support for TrueCrypt #39

Open mattias-ohlsson opened 12 years ago

mattias-ohlsson commented 12 years ago

mattias-ohlsson commented 12 years ago The TrueCrypt software is under a poor license, which is not only non-free, but has the potential to be actively dangerous to end users or distributors who agree to it, opening them to possible legal action even if they abide by all of the licensing terms, depending on the intent of the upstream copyright holder.

mattias-ohlsson commented 12 years ago

Try: CryptKeeper and EncFS. eCryptfs

mattias-ohlsson commented 12 years ago

Added to ipos1 repo

tcplay : Utility to create/open/map TrueCrypt-compatible volumes cryptkeeper : A Linux system tray applet that manages EncFS encrypted folders

ipos1 desktop - cryptkeeper OK ipos1 lxde - cryptkeeper OK