mattiasnordin / StataEditor

Stata Editor for Sublime Text 3
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Nothing happens with ctrl+d #35

Closed giseong-kim closed 5 years ago

giseong-kim commented 5 years ago

I am using Stata14 on Window 10. I think I have followed the instruction to use StataEditor but it does not work, When I press ctrl+d, nothing happens and nothing comes up in console.

I have read issues that seem relevant to my problem but they does not help.

I tired following in console then Stata pops up and no error message.

import win32com.client win32com.client.Dispatch ("stata.StataOLEApp")

I look forward to your help. Thanks in advance

mattiasnordin commented 5 years ago

Have you checked that the path to Stata in the settings is correct?

giseong-kim commented 5 years ago

Have you checked that the path to Stata in the settings is correct?

Yes, I have. In settings-user, "stata_path": "C:/Users/abcde/fghij/StataMP-64.exe", "stata_version": 14,

Also, I have installed pywin32.

mattiasnordin commented 5 years ago

Ok, it's been awhile since I worked with this, so I need to refresh my memory on the code when I have time. In the meantime, you don't have any user-specific key bindings that override the use of ctrl+d? If you use some other way of launching Stata (such as alt+d or ctrl+r), you get the same result?

giseong-kim commented 5 years ago

Ok, it's been awhile since I worked with this, so I need to refresh my memory on the code when I have time. In the meantime, you don't have any user-specific key bindings that override the use of ctrl+d? If you use some other way of launching Stata (such as alt+d or ctrl+r), you get the same result?

I changed hot-key for stata execute then it finally works. Thank you so much for your useful package and kind answer!

mattiasnordin commented 5 years ago

Ok, great!