mattieha / slider-button-card

A button card with integrated slider
MIT License
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Slider Invert, could this only change the percentages and not the displayed position? #191

Open krasatos opened 2 years ago

krasatos commented 2 years ago

It's not a bug or a problem, Ill try to explain the situation:

My cover entity for my rollers is showing 100% when it's closed. Meaning when it is fully unrolled, the position is 100. This picture is at 30% image image

At the same time, the slider-button-card shows the inverted percentage, but the correct position: image

If i enable slider: inverted: false, I get the correct percentage but the wrong depiction image

Is there some way to invert only the percentage displayed on the card, while keeping the graphic the same?

Perhaps two different invert options, one for the percentage and one for the slider? Or is there something else i'm missing?

Thank you in advance!