mattikus / docker-murmur

A silly docker container for murmur, the mumble server.
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Dockerhub not showing v1.3.2 as latest image #10

Closed charleszlu closed 4 years ago

charleszlu commented 4 years ago

Looking at Docker Hub and it seems like v1.3.2 has been autobuilt correctly, but it is not showing up as an available tag. Also :latest remains on v1.3.1.

Do-while-Bacon commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem. Pulling down image on latest tag still runs 1.3.1. I'm not very docker savvy. What do I need to do?

mattikus commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report, I'm looking into it. For some reason it built v1.3.2 but hasn't updated the tags on the repo.

mattikus commented 4 years ago

I managed to re-tag the image and make sure latest points to the same commit. Can you verify it works?

Do-while-Bacon commented 4 years ago

All good now. Thank you!