mattimaier / bnote

BNote - Open Source Ensemble Management
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multilanguage / Localization improvement #525

Open encodeuramateur opened 1 year ago

encodeuramateur commented 1 year ago

In order to support French language code must be manually change into following file (see details below). Could you please integrate the possibility to change timezone and language setting (other than translation) into administration module ?

The details :


Before: => language: "de", After: => language: "fr_FR",


Before: => date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Berlin"); After: => date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Paris"); Before: => setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE'); After: => setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');


Before: => date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Berlin"); After: => date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Paris"); Before: => setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE'); After: => setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');


Before: => $timezone = "Europe/Berlin"; After: => $timezone = "Europe/Paris";

Before: => echo "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\r\n"; echo "TZID:Europe/Berlin\r\n"; echo "TZURL:\r\n"; echo "X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin\r\n"; echo "X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Berlin"; echo "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETTO:+0200\r\n"; echo "TZNAME:CEST\r\n"; echo "DTSTART:19700329T020000\r\n"; echo "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU\r\n"; echo "END:DAYLIGHT\r\n"; echo "BEGIN:STANDARD\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETTO:+0100\r\n"; echo "TZNAME:CET\r\n"; echo "DTSTART:19701025T030000\r\n"; echo "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU\r\n"; echo "END:STANDARD\r\n"; echo "END:VTIMEZONE\r\n";

After: => echo "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\r\n"; echo "TZID:Europe/Paris\r\n"; echo "TZURL:\r\n"; echo "X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Paris\r\n"; echo "X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Paris"; echo "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETFROM:+0100\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETTO:+0200\r\n"; echo "TZNAME:CEST\r\n"; echo "DTSTART:19700329T020000\r\n"; echo "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU\r\n"; echo "END:DAYLIGHT\r\n"; echo "BEGIN:STANDARD\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETFROM:+0200\r\n"; echo "TZOFFSETTO:+0100\r\n"; echo "TZNAME:CET\r\n"; echo "DTSTART:19701025T030000\r\n"; echo "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU\r\n"; echo "END:STANDARD\r\n"; echo "END:VTIMEZONE\r\n";

During installation it's possible to have it in french by made following modification: A language selector should be a nice to have during installation.

BNote\lang.php $l = "fr"; $this->lang = "fr";

BNote\install.php ('language', 'de', 1), ('language', 'fr', 1),

Plus most of sql parameter can be translate manually without alter the function.


mattimaier commented 1 year ago

I think we have to do more:

Since this is not a minor change and likely needs quite a bit of testing, I would like to postpone it to 4.1.0