mattjennings / mdsvexamples

Render your Svelte code blocks in MDSveX
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Document relative component imports not supported #11

Closed janosh closed 2 years ago

janosh commented 2 years ago

Very excited about this project! Thanks for putting it together. 👍

Just tried it out on svelte-multiselect and get import errors when using relative imports:

10:20:47 AM [vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "../lib/MultiSelect.svelte" from "src/routes/disabled.svx/mdsvexample0.svelte". Does the file exist?

Using import "$lib/MultiSelect.svelte" as shown in the readme works. I think the requirement to use alias imports should be stated more clearly (or relative imports supported).

mattjennings commented 2 years ago

Ah they should be supported, but I think I see why it’s broken. I’ll take a look today.

mattjennings commented 2 years ago

should be fixed in 0.0.8!