mattjennings / svelte-pixi

Create PixiJS apps with Svelte
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Apply DisplacementFilter #32

Closed alteregogi closed 1 year ago

alteregogi commented 1 year ago

so i was try to create a fake 3D Effect using DisplacementFilter, and still not fully understand how to convert it to svelte-pixi because it need another sprite on DisplacementFilter argument.

  import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
  import { Application, Sprite, Container } from 'svelte-pixi';

  let spriteDepth;

  let fake3D = new PIXI.filters.DisplacementFilter(spriteDepth);
  let filters = [fake3D];

  <Container {filters}>
      <Sprite texture={PIXI.Texture.from('/assets/cover.png')} />
      <Sprite bind:instance={spriteDepth} texture={PIXI.Texture.from('/assets/cover_depth.png')} />

references for vanilla js here

mattjennings commented 1 year ago

This approach is mostly correct but you just need to fake3D a reactive variable, as spriteDepth is initially undefined and gets set after the first render.

I took a quick minute to recreate the vanilla js example with svelte-pixi here:

(the effect seems slightly more distorted - not too sure why, the vanilla example is using an older version of pixi though)

alteregogi commented 1 year ago

This approach is mostly correct but you just need to fake3D a reactive variable, as spriteDepth is initially undefined and gets set after the first render.

I took a quick minute to recreate the vanilla js example with svelte-pixi here:

(the effect seems slightly more distorted - not too sure why, the vanilla example is using an older version of pixi though)

awesome, thank you!