mattjlewis / diozero

Java Device I/O library that is portable across Single Board Computers and microcontrollers. Tested with Raspberry Pi, Odroid C2, BeagleBone Black, Next Thing CHIP, Asus Tinker Board and Arduinos / Pico. Supports GPIO, I2C, SPI as well as Serial communication. Also known to work with Udoo Quad.
MIT License
261 stars 59 forks source link

GPIO not work anymore on ThinkerBoard #69

Closed zixzix closed 3 years ago

zixzix commented 3 years ago

Initialization of any type of device on any gpio no longer works on ThinkerBoard in the latest versions of diozero. It worked perfectly up to version 0.13. In all versions of diozero, including 1.20, using the following code the board is recognized correctly. DeviceFactoryHelper.getNativeDeviceFactory().getBoardInfo();

If i use the lasted version of library with the following code

new DigitalOutputDevice(pin, true, false);

it goes into error and I get the following message:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't find chip for id 5
        at com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory.createDigitalOutputDevice(
        at com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface.provisionDigitalOutputDevice(
        at com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice.<init>(
        at com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice.<init>(
        at com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice.<init>(

Maybe there is some problem with the gpio mapping? Thank you

mattjlewis commented 3 years ago

Can you please run cat /etc/os-release. I am running Armbian on my TinkerBoard and get this output:

VERSION="20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Armbian 21.02.3 Focal"

gpiodetect output:

> sudo gpiodetect
gpiochip0 [gpio0] (24 lines)
gpiochip1 [gpio1] (32 lines)
gpiochip2 [gpio2] (32 lines)
gpiochip3 [gpio3] (32 lines)
gpiochip4 [gpio4] (32 lines)
gpiochip5 [gpio5] (32 lines)
gpiochip6 [gpio6] (32 lines)
gpiochip7 [gpio7] (32 lines)
gpiochip8 [gpio8] (16 lines)

diozero GpioReadAll output:

sudo java -cp diozero-sampleapps-1.2.0.jar com.diozero.sampleapps.GpioReadAll
+ GP# +     Name + Mode + V +  gpiod + Physical + gpiod  + V + Mode + Name     + GP# +
|     |      3v3 |      |   |        |  1 || 2  |        |   |      | 5v       |     |
| 252 | GPIO8_A4 | Unkn | 0 |  8:4   |  3 || 4  |        |   |      | 5v       |     |
| 253 | GPIO8_A5 | Unkn | 0 |  8:5   |  5 || 6  |        |   |      | GND      |     |
|  17 | GPIO0_C1 |   In | 0 |  0:17  |  7 || 8  |  5:9   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO5_B1 | 161 |
|     |      GND |      |   |        |  9 || 10 |  5:8   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO5_B0 | 160 |
| 164 | GPIO5_B4 |   In | 0 |  5:12  | 11 || 12 |  6:0   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO6_A0 | 184 |
| 166 | GPIO5_B6 | Unkn | 0 |  5:14  | 13 || 14 |        |   |      | GND      |     |
| 167 | GPIO5_B7 | Unkn | 0 |  5:15  | 15 || 16 |  5:10  | 0 | In   | GPIO5_B2 | 162 |
|     |      3v3 |      |   |        | 17 || 18 |  5:11  | 0 | In   | GPIO5_B3 | 163 |
| 257 | GPIO8_B1 | Unkn | 0 |  8:9   | 19 || 20 |        |   |      | GND      |     |
| 256 | GPIO8_B0 | Unkn | 0 |  8:8   | 21 || 22 |  5:19  | 0 | In   | GPIO5_C3 | 171 |
| 254 | GPIO8_A6 | Unkn | 0 |  8:6   | 23 || 24 |  8:7   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO8_A7 | 255 |
|     |      GND |      |   |        | 25 || 26 |  8:3   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO8_A3 | 251 |
| 233 | GPIO7_C1 |   In | 0 |  7:17  | 27 || 28 |  7:18  | 0 | Unkn | GPIO7_C2 | 234 |
| 165 | GPIO5_B5 |   In | 0 |  5:13  | 29 || 30 |        |   |      | GND      |     |
| 168 | GPIO5_C0 |   In | 0 |  5:16  | 31 || 32 |  7:23  | 0 | Unkn | GPIO7_C7 | 239 |
| 238 | GPIO7_C6 | Unkn | 0 |  7:22  | 33 || 34 |        |   |      | GND      |     |
| 185 | GPIO6_A1 | Unkn | 0 |  6:1   | 35 || 36 |  7:7   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO7_A7 | 223 |
| 224 | GPIO7_B0 | Unkn | 0 |  7:8   | 37 || 38 |  6:3   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO6_A3 | 187 |
|     |      GND |      |   |        | 39 || 40 |  6:4   | 0 | Unkn | GPIO6_A4 | 188 |
zixzix commented 3 years ago

I use TinkerOS

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

with "sudo gpiodetect" i get a command not found so I have tried with sudo java -cp diozero-sampleapps-1.2.0.jar com.diozero.sampleapps.GpioDetect

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.List.forEach(java.util.function.Consumer)" because the return value of "com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip.getChips()" is null
        at com.diozero.sampleapps.GpioDetect.main(

sudo java -cp diozero-sampleapps-1.2.0.jar com.diozero.sampleapps.GpioReadAll


mattjlewis commented 3 years ago

Try run with -Ddiozero.gpio.chardev=false. Hopefully that will get rid of those errors. Have a think about trying Armbian as it uses a much newer kernel and is actively supported.

zixzix commented 3 years ago

Thank you!! Seems to work fine, I will do more tests asap 👍