mattkrick / cashay

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RFC: Patching subscriptions together #78

Closed mattkrick closed 8 years ago

mattkrick commented 8 years ago

Basic subscriptions is all but complete, but patching those subscriptions together is a whole different story.

For example, let's say you're having a meeting. That meeting has many Participants and each participant has many socket Connections (eg different tabs, different devices, etc).

There are 2 approaches:

create a subscription on the table join Subscribing to a join, if possible, keeps things easy, but makes for a huge payload because every time a connection changes, the entire participant object would get sent down the wire. This could be mitigated by caching everything sent to a particular socket channel on the server. Then, only send down the diff in a "patch". Instructions on how to assemble that patch are required because, for example, we don't know if [{id:123}] should replace the current value, or append to the current value.

create n+1 subscriptions

We can do this on the server (more complicated)

When a subscription for the participants is created, we start streaming participant documents down the wire. Before each one goes down the wire, we start a subscription for connections that have the given participantId. Then, we wrap the unsubscribe listener with a HOF that also unsubscribes to the new subscription we just started so when we unsubscribe from the parent, we unsub from the children as well. Patching instructions are required in payload just like above.

We can do it on the client (more latency) When a subscription for the participants is created, we start streaming participant documents down the wire. When each doc is received on the client, we subscribe to all connections for each participant. (n+1 round trips, but done in parallel, only about 2n latency). This gives us a new unsubscribe function for each, which we'd probably stick in an array & flush it when we want to unsub. Patching instructions are not required, since you would do the patching in the model-view layer, outside of Cashay, outside of your subscriber. This is the approach that is available today.

Backends vary, and whatever approach the application developer chooses is fine, as long as they send that patch info.

The patch instructions would look like a falcor path. For example when a participant adds a new connection: {payload, type: "ADD", patch: "participants['123'].connections"}. This tells Cashay a few things:

UPDATE and REMOVE would need a patch like participants['123'].connections['456'] because mutating an entire array would be invalid.

CC @jordanh

jordanh commented 8 years ago

I think this is just excellent. This morning over coffee I thought through a few of the domain state cases we'll need to implement and I think this covers them all. I'm looking forward to be able to test this in action (pun intended).

mattkrick commented 8 years ago

Take the path[123].bar

To determine that, we need to use the GraphQL schema (thank goodness we have it on the client!) We just take the ensureNonNull(subSchema.type) If it's an object,

if it's an array,

this should clean up that really, really ugly code that is currently in use

mattkrick commented 8 years ago

updated in v0.16.0