mattlisiv / newsapi-python

A Python Client for News API
MIT License
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maximumResultsReached - get_everything method #39

Closed shaksham95 closed 5 years ago

shaksham95 commented 5 years ago

I have been trying to get all the news article related to say money laundering using the get_everything method, but after a certain number of results have been accessed, it gives up this error.


Note: I have a paid account, not a developers account. I can access a max of 9900 articles only when let's say the number of articles related to money laundering is 50K. How can I access the remaining articles?

mattlisiv commented 5 years ago

Hi @Deadshot20,

While this is a wrapper for News API, this library is not official and I have no real affiliation with News API. Therefore, I can't comment on rates or limits related to types of accounts. I suggest you contact .

Personally, when using the API, I use more specific queries in order to have a limited result set.

Best of luck