mattlockyer / composables-998

An implementation and documentation repo for developing the ERC-998 standard for Ethereum.
MIT License
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Add basic package.json #10

Closed achadha235 closed 6 years ago

achadha235 commented 6 years ago

First off, thanks Matt for getting this show on the road! I thought I'd dip my toes in with a simple change to start with so decided to fix #1. (apologies for the erroneous PR earlier)

Problem: For the ideal dev on boarding experience, you should be able to git clone; cd <folder>, run npm install and npm test in sequence to have the tests running and passing. Currently, the lack of a package.json file prevents that from happening; for the uninitiated, this means encountering errors with each of the 3 possible missing packages, truffle, web3-eth-abi and zeppelin-solidity. In addition, there is a chance that people may use mismatched versions of truffle from global installations, leading to potentially inconsistencies while running tests between multiple users.

Solution: Adds a package.json that includes the required packages as development dependencies. Remove package.json from .gitignore

mattlockyer commented 6 years ago

Thank you for doing this!