mattlongman / Hassio-Access-Point addon to let you create a WiFi access point, perfect for using WiFi devices on off-grid installations.
MIT License
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Hotspot bandwidth #67

Open aurnor opened 4 months ago

aurnor commented 4 months ago


I installed the addon and managed with my phone to connect to the hotspot and to internet. Great job, thanks! My Home Assistant is installed with HA OS on a Raspberry Pi 5. The Raspberry Pi 5 is connected to my Internet connection using RJ45 cable on a high speed connection (~950 mbps). But when running a speed test from my phone, the connection is about 25 mbps (whereas a similar test directly on my internet box wifi with the same phone provides more than 600 mbps).

Any idea why such difference when using the HA hotspot? Thanks

ROBOT0-VT commented 4 months ago

From what I can see online, the pi5's wifi chip can handle up to 165Mbps as a client, but I'd imagine that would be even less when hosting the network. Also, data throughput is CPU/RAM-bound, so it will likely be constrained on a system that's dedicated to hosting a bajilion docker containers instead of a bare OS for networking :D

25Mbps does still seem low though. If you'd like to test further, you could set up a network on something like Raspbian (e.g. using This Guide) and comparing. There are likely some optimisations that I could make in the configurations, but I can't imagine getting huge gains in network speed 🐎

aurnor commented 4 months ago

That makes sense 👍 Thanks for your answer

ROBOT0-VT commented 4 months ago

Cool. Would you like me to investigate further, or can I close this?

aurnor commented 4 months ago

If you want to investigate, it would be great so that we are sure the config is at its best ;-)

ROBOT0-VT commented 4 months ago

I'll put it on the backlog, I'm busy refactoring networking anyway:D