Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
Couldn't download (showname) it printed when *anything* causes the download to
You will need to look in the log (<user>/Library/Logs/iTiVo.log ) for more useful
info. It's certainly possible that mencoder, comskip, tivodecode, or anything
is failing to correctly process the file.. Can't tell from the single 'couldn't
The yellow icon is just a marker from the tivo to tell you things like the show is
about to expire...
The most likely reason is a bad mpeg-2 file (the tivo sometimes generates those).
You can usually use a different format (like 'decrypt') to avoid the heavy
which errors out on bad mpeg-2's, but then you don't get the format you want.
Probably not much that I can do about this...
Original comment by
on 8 May 2009 at 3:43
Could this have something to do with foreign characters in the name? I just had
same problem with a show called "Découverte," and I saw the logfile called it
Original comment by
on 12 Nov 2009 at 3:01
I'm getting this error as well. Would you like a copy of the log? Should I
open a separate issue?
Original comment by
on 15 Jul 2011 at 7:45
I am having the same issue with Michael Bublé Christmas Special.
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2011 at 2:11
I have the same issue with downloading Jacques Pépin's cooking shows. I
download the same shows without any trouble using another program. I'm sure
the problem is the "é" in his name.
Original comment by
on 18 Dec 2011 at 12:13
I have the same issue with downloading Les Miserable. I don't know how to write
it with the accent over the e, but the accent is there in my list of shows. Has
anybody found a workaround for this?
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 4:24
I'm having the same issue with 3 shows from my queue without accents that I
have downloaded a bunch of times before. I do not have an itivo.log file or I
would have attached it.
Original comment by
on 20 Feb 2013 at 10:58
This problem arose within the last week. The file attempts to download but no
data is transferred "Couldn't download 'File'." No log files are produced
either. I've tried both the stable release and the beta versions of the
Thanks for keeping this software running! I hope you can patch up whatever
Tivo did to stymie transfers.
Original comment by
on 22 Feb 2013 at 5:22
[deleted comment]
+1 to this suddenly showing up over the last week or so. This is on Mountain
Lion with the new 121212-beta.
Original comment by
on 23 Feb 2013 at 5:14
The cookies.txt fix described in this thread worked for me! Thanks!
Original comment by
on 23 Feb 2013 at 12:46
I am having the same problem, with a setup that has worked very well for me in
the past. This is on an older Mac running 10.6.8 with iTivo 1.7.6 (I can't get
to run on my Mountain Lion machine even with the new build)
No matter what I try to download, I get the "Can't Download" error. I have
tried restarting my TiVo. I can transfer programs directly by logging in with a
Attached is an example log
Original comment by
on 23 Feb 2013 at 7:04
I'm also having this problem. New iMac with latest software. Anyone know with
the "cookies.txt." fix is mentioned above? I don't see it anywhere on this
Original comment by
on 2 Mar 2013 at 5:09
[deleted comment]
The details for the cookies.txt fix is listed in another thread. Search for it
and you should be able to find it quickly. It's a simple terminal command and
some script alterations. Worked like a charm.
Original comment by
on 2 Mar 2013 at 8:45
Here's the info about the cookies.txt. Reposting it so that others on this
thread can solve the problem without having to search around for the answer.
This worked for me, hope it help everyone else.
I found a fix:
First, open Terminal and type in this command: curl -c cookies.txt -d
"tivo:MAK" http://tivoip:80
(replace "MAK" with the Media Access Key and "tivoip" with the ip of your tivo)
Then cookies.txt will be placed in your home folder.
Open it, and change the value 1360972800 to whatever you want (it's the number
of seconds past January 1, 1970 that the cookie will expire). I just changed
the first 1 to a 2.
Then, save it to some folder out of the way (I just threw it in my Documents
Then, go to iTivo in the Applications folder, right-click, and click "Show
Package Contents". Go to Contents, then Resources, then right-click on, and open it in Text-Edit. Once there, change "-c
/tmp/cookies.txt" to "-b /Users/'home folder'/Documents/cookies.txt" (change
'home folder' to the name of your user account). Then re-open iTivo and it
should start working again!
Feb 17, 2013
Original comment by
on 9 Mar 2013 at 4:46
Thank you mrfusio...@gmail. Your directions were perfect and I am working
again. Let me be the first to also thank you for not making assumptions that
we all know how to do things that may be second nature for you and going step
by step for the rest of us.
Original comment by
on 16 Mar 2013 at 4:42
i tried the cookies.txt and it worked thanks.
i did better i changed 1360972800 to 9999999999 that is 316 years we and our
tivos and macs will be long gone by the time the cookie expires.
heck with the way content owners are getting more and more aggressive over
copyrights combined with the analog sunset i wouldnt be surprised tivo uses
content protection so this software will be useless
maybe in the next version a change to the script can check to make sure the
cookies are fixed
Original comment by
on 20 Mar 2013 at 12:19
Simply amazing, the cookies.txt worked perfectly! Thank you so much!
Original comment by
on 20 Mar 2013 at 10:08
This fix was what solved my problem as well but I have a question:
if I have more than one tivo on my network, do I copy the line with the IP on
it and duplicate it with the second tivo's IP?
Original comment by
on 4 Apr 2013 at 2:05
Yes that's right. The unique IP and MAK addresses for your second TiVo will
work with the same procedure.
Original comment by
on 4 Apr 2013 at 8:24
#16, I dont know how you figure that kind of stuff out, but I appreciate it
very much. GUI users like myself are grateful for your help.
Original comment by
on 21 Apr 2013 at 6:09
Thanks so much--now my tivo works and it's all because of you and your post.
Original comment by
on 8 May 2013 at 4:35
#16 mrfusion, thank you fro posting the entire fix, however I am perplexed. I
created the cookies.txt, edited it and put it in the documents folder. Then
you say "Then, go to iTivo in the Applications folder, right-click, and click
"Show Package Contents". " When I go to iTivo in the applications folder and
right clicking, I don't have the choice you listed. Could it be because I am
right clicking on "iTivo-beta-20121212.dmg" This was the version (with a fix)
that let me transfer shows successfully in January 2013. Should I be
downloading a different version at this point. I have the newest iMAC.
Thanks, Sandy
Original comment by
on 31 May 2013 at 7:02
You want to install iTivo so that you can right-click on iTivo.dmg
is an installer image and useless for our purposes here.
Original comment by
on 31 May 2013 at 12:40
OK. I finally managed to "show package contents" and resources and opened
http-fetcher. The problem is it would not let me edit it. It said to unlock
it to edit it. When I tried to unlock it, it said that it cannot be unlocked,
only duplicated. So I created a duplicate file, but cannot save it to the
right place and the iTivo is still using the old http-fetcher. Suggestions??
Thanks, Sandy
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2013 at 2:49
Are you logged in as an administrator? Also, are you using time machine? A
quick google search found this:
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2013 at 2:54
Time machine is "off" and has never been used. I am the only user on this
imac, and I just verified that I have admin rights. I just read which discusses setting up an all powerful
root user. The comments vary about it and some of them say it is dangerous to
search the web on an admin account. Do you think I am going to need to set up
a root user? Any other ideas? I really appreciate it!
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2013 at 3:46
No, I don't think you need to set up a root user account. The files are not
stored above your User directory. If you hit Get Info (Apple+I), is there a
check mark next to "Locked?"
Original comment by
on 7 Jun 2013 at 3:12
Thanks mrFusio. I am not a developer and your solution worked perfectly for me!
Original comment by
on 8 Aug 2013 at 2:31
Original issue reported on by
on 8 May 2009 at 11:45