Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
btw, I'm using OSX 10.5.5 and a Tivo3 HD
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 5:06
To answer the question about med-res:
the options got renamed. High res is no super-res (it's 640x480 1500kbps)
which is the maximum that an iphone can play (although it can't really show it
it's hooked up to an external display).
med-res got renamed to iphone (480x320 500kbps), which is generally all you want
for an iphone.
low-res got renamed to ipod (320x200 256kbps) which is appropriate for a video ipod.
Going to look into the movie download thing (will need to record something that
long on my tivo). Does it complete 'successfully' at 1:30, or does it quit at
and then retry over and over? You're sure the recorded data isn't 1:26 only?
(and do
you have commercial skip turned on?)
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 6:34
Commercial skip is turned off. Movies are definitely longer than 1:26
(Gladiator 2:40, Stripes 1:45, Breach 2:00),
I checked the originals on my tivo. I have had the "retrying over and over
problem" with the previous version,
but in this case today, with 1.3.2 it would finish and move on to the next
movie. I was hoping the 1:26 problem
would be gone with this latest version but unfortunately not. Also, it looks
like the med-res used to output at
around 900 kbps, but I can still do that if I want by selecting the "Quicktime
mpeg-4(custom)" option, correct?
Thanks again for writing, (or rewriting) this program. btw, is this shareware?
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 7:01
I'm hoping to have something that's 2 hours long to try with soon :)
The program is GPL freeware.
Yeah I lowered the bitrate a bit (seemed like the quality didn't change much so
figured smaller is better). If you want to manually change it in 1.4, just
open the
advanced prefs and look for the vbitrate= in the video options. Just keep in
that any change you make will be lost if you change to a different pre-defined
I wonder if there's some sort of timeout on the http fetch that's killing it off
(or else, maybe it's hitting some max filesize on the OS.. guess I'll know
soon enough).
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 8:50
>>maybe it's hitting some max filesize on the OS
I did notice that all of the files that I downloaded at super-res all ended up
at around 1.04 to 1.06 GB in size.
I wish I hadn't trashed all those files. Here are some new facts - one movie
that it transferred in its entirety
was actually 1:32 and 1.04gb. Another one I just found that I thought had
transferred completely but
apparently ended early at 1:33:34 was 1.06gb. Also, Shrek the Third transferred
completely and was 1:30:32
and 1.04gb. On the other hand, I just noticed that I set iTivo to transfer 3
long shows last night at native
MPEG-2 and it had apparently looped the first one around and restarted it. I
guess I'll have to go back to
downloading long shows with Tivo Transfer. The reason I hate that is because I
can't do anything with those
files except play them back with the Toast Player or convert them with the Tivo
Decoder applescript and play
them with VLC or MPlayer. But I don't know of any way to edit mp2 or
down-convert them. Those files
transfer completely and will be as much as 22gb in size.
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 1:38
Ok, so I'm trying to download a 3 hour show now (unfortunately, on this
that's a 4 hour download :(.
Anyways, in the meanwhile, can you do me a favor and check that you have enough
hard drive space to hold both the unencoded show and the encoded show? I can't
to think of any good reason why it would quit at 1gb.. but if you DO have enough
space, can you try turning on 'download THEN encode'? I'm wondering if maybe
some issue with it trying to seek into the file 1gb in or somesuch.. (yes, I'm
reaching in the dark right now).
Keep in mind there's a LOT of space needed on your main hard drive (even if you're
ripping to an external one). It uses a lot of temporary data in there in /tmp/
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 6:29
I'm at work right now but I know for sure there was at least 36gb available.
Tonight I can try the 'download then
encode' option. Wish I had thought of that before. Really appreciate your
help. I'll keep you posted.
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 6:48
Ok not much useful yet but I'm sitting watching this download of a 3 hour
It's already passed the 1.1G size and has encoded about 1.5 hours of it. So, I
there's more to the bug than just long shows or large shows :(
Is it possible that your mac is going to sleep halfway through the download (if the
hard drive and network stop functioning when it's asleep, then the download will
halt, and after a while just completely time out)?
Anyways, not yet sure what is going on, but I've failed to reproduce it. Do you
have logging turned on in advanced? Can you look or mail me ~/iTiVo.log ?
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 9:03
Ok, definitely check your Energy Saver Preferences please.
Make sure the computer doesn't go to sleep when inactive for a LONG time. (feel
free to put the display to sleep).
Tell me if it works that way...
Original comment by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 9:44
computer definitely is set to not go to sleep. But here's a new twist. I tried
downloading a couple long shows
last night. this morning the first show was still downloading and there was a
message that "The application
tivodecode has unexpectedly quit." The show was currently only half way
through downloading and then 30
minutes later the same message came up and I noticed it had started
transferring all over again from 0 MB.
Here's a question that would help me with a workaround. I don't seem to have
any trouble downloading long
movies using the roxio tivo transfer. Is there a mac program out there that can
take those files and
downconvert them to mp4, after the fact? I tried doing it this way - dropping
them on the Tivo Decoder
applescript which converts them to a regular .mp2 I can play in VLC, and then
running them through
PSPWare to downconvert them. The problem is that 9 out of 10 files end up with
a blank grey screen. If there
was a reliable way of downconverting .tivo files that would solve my problem
and I could still use iTivo for all
my other shows, because iTivo is much easier to deal with.
Original comment by
on 14 Nov 2008 at 3:01
I had turned on "download first then encode" and I just turned on the logging
Original comment by
on 14 Nov 2008 at 3:02
There are programs that can convert for you, notably 'mencoder' which is the
iTiVo uses (although if iTiVo is failing, I don't see why running mencoder
would work).
If you want to try it though, you can take out the mencoder program out of the
iTiVo package (open up, and run
/Applications/ -of lavf -lavfopts format=ipod
-ovc x264 -x264encopts
nocabac:level_idc=30:bitrate=384:threads=auto:bframes=0:global_header -vf
pp=lb,dsize=480:320:0,scale=-8:-8,harddup -af volume=13:1 -oac faac -faacopts
mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 -o movie.mp4 input.mpg
(that was all one line).
Oddly enough, I can tell you for sure that I've encoded long H
These are the options passed into mencoder for the iphone setting by iTiVo (you can
actually see them by looking at the advanced options). Maybe you can learn more
about why it is failing... (tivodecode failing there's nothing I can do
The fact that other tools are having problems converting them might be a clue
as to
why though.. I dont know.
Original comment by
on 14 Nov 2008 at 4:06
hmm, don't know what that means. I copied and pasted
"/Applications/<snip>... raw:br=128 -o
movie.mp4 input.mpg" into the
terminal and nothing happened. But I don't really know what was supposed to
happen. I tried taking the
mencoder app out of the program but the mac thinks it's a classic app.
I came home and there was nothing transferred or converted. The message that
tivodecode had crashed was up
and itivo had apparently just started to retransfer the same show for the
umpteenth time. I had the log turned on
so I'll attach it here.
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 6:09
ooh! There *is* something interesting in that log..
It looks like after it downloads 10Gigs of data off the tivo, the curl report of
how much has been downloaded resets back to zero. So there is something going
that could explain this.
I'm going to need to find a way to record more than 10 gigs of stuff here.
Hopefully I'll have something interesting to report to you soon.
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 9:06
Alright, it was DEFINITELY broken for files bigger than 10G.
Hopefully that was the root of the problem. I fixed it and put the fix in 1.5b1.
<crossing fingers> tell me if the beta is working right for you?
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 10:17
so far so good!! It finally transferred an entire 2-hour movie. Now it's
encoding. Looks like the encoding is
almost in real-time. 57 minutes done, 52 minutes left. I'm on a dual guad
2.8.xeon with 10gb ram. I don't know
why it took so long to download, especially given that it wasn't even encoding
at the same time. It took about
five hours, and kept saying "waiting for tivo". The tivo itself was idle half
the time though. I'll let you know when
it finishes.
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 5:49
Where do I send the check? :)
Now I just have to figure out how to make it all go faster.
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 6:47
Sorry, but now you're kind of my guru. I have a lot of .tivo files, some of
which I would like to convert down to
the super-res setting. Is there any way I can do this after the fact? thanks
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 6:52
Check should be made to your favorite charitable cause (or to yourself :).
It sounds like the network connection to your tivo might be slow.. (are you using
wireless?). Keep in mind that the tivo intentionally uses a slow data rate on
network interfaces. I think if you use wired on a series 3 you should be
seeing a
data rate of around 8Mbps or so (that's about 1 meg/sec). That will ignore
or anything else. TivoHD and series 2 are slower. You can look around the
forums for
more info.
As for converting .tivo files. I don't know of any gui tools that will do that.
However, this *should* convert it for you (you will need to do a bunch of crap
in a window):
(first, copy the movie to your Desktop, and install iTiVo into Applications
rename your file to "mymovie.tivo" just so you can mostly cut/paste here
I've tried to break the line up and add backslashes so the terminal likes you.
When you're done, rename the movie back to whatever it was called)
cd ~/Desktop
/Applications/ \
-m 0786962438 -o "mymovie.mpg" "mymovie.tivo"
/Applications/ -of lavf \
-lavfopts format=ipod -ovc x264 -x264encopts \
nocabac:level_idc=30:bitrate=384:threads=auto:bframes=0:global_header \
-vf pp=lb,dsize=480:320:0,scale=-8:-8,harddup \
-af volume=13:1 -oac faac -faacopts \
mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 \
-o "mymovie.mp4" "mymovie.mpg"
(Ok now you should have a mymovie.mp4 Check that it plays correctly, and then
delete the .tivo and .mpg files, and rename the .mp4 file to whatever).
Marking as *fixed*
Original comment by
on 15 Nov 2008 at 11:56
Original issue reported on by
on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:37