mattmas / Metamorphosis

A tool for watching changes between Revit models, addin and Dynamo.
MIT License
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Text changes #11

Closed AlekseiBalyshev closed 7 years ago

AlekseiBalyshev commented 7 years ago

Hello, the app is something new and very useful. Is there the technical capability to catch the changes in the text notes on the views?

mattmas commented 7 years ago

Aleksei - good catch. I had thought that we would have caught that, because Text is one of the parameters of a TextNote - but it turns out we're only capturing the "visible" parameters that appear in the Properties list. I've added this as a special case, and I'll release an update shortly.

Thanks, Matt

mattmas commented 7 years ago

I've published an update to the installer, version 1.0.6, that includes this.