mattmas / Metamorphosis

A tool for watching changes between Revit models, addin and Dynamo.
MIT License
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Changed Type and location of beam only got type change #33

Closed joaogdsj closed 4 years ago

joaogdsj commented 5 years ago


I made two changes on a beam


I changed its position and its type and I only got the type change on the report plus the deleted type that no longer exits in my module.


Could i get both changes of the element?

mattmas commented 5 years ago

Our feeling was that if we showed all of the change types, it would double or triple the number of changes shown (for example, most type changes would trigger a change in area/volume/mass or other parameters - and the type parameter itself). All in all, we figured it was better to pick the "primary" change and not flood the users with 3x of the changes. (but your point about two separate and discrete changes is good - we were more worried about one change in Revit trigger two or three reported changes in our tool).

joaogdsj commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much for the clarification.