mattmas / Metamorphosis

A tool for watching changes between Revit models, addin and Dynamo.
MIT License
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Minor Issue with Column Locations #5

Closed thazell closed 7 years ago

thazell commented 7 years ago

Just putting this here as a log. Not a big issue: Column locations in Revit are not intuitive. They don't have appropriate "Z" vectors. The reason I mention this is that here's an example of the move change for columns. Note: Green is the column that moved, note how all the arrows are at the datum, even though all the columns that changed are at different elevations. image

mattmas commented 7 years ago

So we are picking up the column z location from the level, but not including the level offset? is that what we're saying?

or is the Z-value coming from zero and we need to get both the level and the level offset?

thazell commented 7 years ago

The second option: The way I have handled column locations in the past is: first check to see if it's a vertical column, because sloped columns have a location curve, like a beam. Then X and Y from column location. Z from Level + Offset. (project location and survey location may give different Z - values.)

mattmas commented 7 years ago

(fixed this in a recent version).