mattmathis / scvfa-webtools

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Revisit the relationship between members, rows and other entries. #2

Open mattmathis opened 8 months ago

mattmathis commented 8 months ago

Consider DB rows for:

These probably require the introduction new statuses, to indicate non-paying entities

Assume visibility flags only apply to the primary member.
Secondaries & children who want to be listed in a future directory should have their own rows in the DB.

mbryant412 commented 7 months ago

All members will be included in directory when that info is collected from members These don't need to be in directory but are visible in WP dashboard users list These are already being handled through the Mail Chimp audience. If you want them added to PMP enroll as a new member on the website with basic PMP info. Secondary member are First/Last Names, Email & Phone - Children are First/Last Names only.

mattmathis commented 6 months ago

The specific problems with the current structure (one member row per household) are that:

The alternative (one member row for each primary and secondary member) requires adding logic to coordinate membership status across multiple rows when households renew or lapse.

mbryant412 commented 6 months ago

Are you saying you want secondary members added to Mail Chimp?

mattmathis commented 6 months ago

Yes, all members, primary and secondary, should be able to op-in to receive the newsletter.

mbryant412 commented 6 months ago

Can’t be done without programming through PMP since Primary is the only payee for membership. Two solutions:

Possible hook that lets you define another level such as secondary for MailChimp however, this would be automatic and not optional.

Create an optin MailChimp form for secondary members in the Primary dashboard.

Add optin checkbox for secondary to Directory questions.

Note, the above customizations would be charged to SCEA per our maintenance agreement.

I’m assuming that all current secondaries are in mail chimp and getting newsletters and you’re only concerned about new secondary members?

Is it not possible to ask the Primary to share their pdf with their secondary?

Thank you,


(Edited to trim extraneous email junk - MM)

mattmathis commented 6 months ago

It seems to me that this is exactly what "group membership" should do: support a design where we have one row per person, that are grouped by the primary member. e.g. row for people, groups for households.

mbryant412 commented 6 months ago

members_list formatted.xlsx I sent this to Ray.

mattmathis commented 6 months ago

This is cool. Almost exactly the way I would have done it. I'm going to move it to a new issue though for further discussion. See