mattmcspirit / azurestack

Azure Stack Resources
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azurestack-dbhosting resource group not found #31

Closed terminal3 closed 6 years ago

terminal3 commented 6 years ago

The creation of the azurestack-dbhosting resource group is tied to the MySQL deployment task, if -skipMySQL is specified then SQL Server deployment and its dependencies fails.

terminal3 commented 6 years ago

This also seems to apply to other resources deployed by the MySQL task into the same resource group.

mattmcspirit commented 6 years ago

Thanks for catching this. Use the following code to replace that SQL Hosting VM Deployment - it should work although I haven't tested. It should now check to see if SkipMySQL was true, and if it was, it should create the RG and not try to use an existing non-existent vNet for deployment. Let me know!


#### DEPLOY SQL SERVER VM TO HOST USER DATABASES #############################################################################################################

$RowIndex = [array]::IndexOf($progress.Stage, "SQLServerDBVM")
$scriptStep = $($progress[$RowIndex].Stage).ToString().ToUpper()
if ($progress[$RowIndex].Status -eq "Complete") {
    Write-CustomVerbose -Message "ASDK Configuration Stage: $($progress[$RowIndex].Stage) previously completed successfully"
elseif ((!$skipMSSQL) -and ($progress[$RowIndex].Status -ne "Complete")) {
    # We first need to check if in a previous run, this section was skipped, but now, the user wants to add this, so we need to reset the progress.
    if ($progress[$RowIndex].Status -eq "Skipped") {
        Write-CustomVerbose -Message "Operator previously skipped this step, but now wants to perform this step. Updating ConfigASDKProgressLog.csv file to Incomplete."
        # Update the ConfigASDKProgressLog.csv file with successful completion
        $progress[$RowIndex].Status = "Incomplete"
        $progress | Export-Csv $ConfigASDKProgressLogPath -NoTypeInformation -Force
        $RowIndex = [array]::IndexOf($progress.Stage, "SQLServerDBVM")
    if (($progress[$RowIndex].Status -eq "Incomplete") -or ($progress[$RowIndex].Status -eq "Failed")) {
        try {
            # Deploy a SQL Server 2017 on Ubuntu VM for hosting tenant db
            if ($skipMySQL) {
                #if MySQL RP was skipped, DB hosting resources should be created here
                Write-CustomVerbose -Message "Creating a dedicated Resource Group for all database hosting assets"
                New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "azurestack-dbhosting" -Location $azsLocation -Force
                Write-CustomVerbose -Message "Creating a dedicated SQL Server 2017 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for database hosting"
                New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name "SQLHost" -ResourceGroupName "azurestack-dbhosting" -TemplateUri `
                    -vmName "sqlhost" -adminUsername "sqladmin" -adminPassword $secureVMpwd -msSQLPassword $secureVMpwd `
                    -virtualNetworkName "dbhosting_vnet" -virtualNetworkSubnetName "dbhosting_subnet" -publicIPAddressDomainNameLabel "sqlhost" -vmSize Standard_A3 -mode Incremental -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
                # Assume MySQL RP was deployed, and DB Hosting RG and networks were previously created
                Write-CustomVerbose -Message "Creating a dedicated SQL Server 2017 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for database hosting"
                New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name "SQLHost" -ResourceGroupName "azurestack-dbhosting" -TemplateUri `
                    -vmName "sqlhost" -adminUsername "sqladmin" -adminPassword $secureVMpwd -msSQLPassword $secureVMpwd `
                    -virtualNetworkNewOrExisting "existing" -virtualNetworkName "dbhosting_vnet" -virtualNetworkSubnetName "dbhosting_subnet" -publicIPAddressDomainNameLabel "sqlhost" -vmSize Standard_A3 -mode Incremental -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
            # Update the ConfigASDKProgressLog.csv file with successful completion
            Write-CustomVerbose -Message "Updating ConfigASDKProgressLog.csv file with successful completion`r`n"
            $progress[$RowIndex].Status = "Complete"
            $progress | Export-Csv $ConfigASDKProgressLogPath -NoTypeInformation -Force
            Write-Output $progress | Out-Host
        catch {
            Write-CustomVerbose -Message "ASDK Configuration Stage: $($progress[$RowIndex].Stage) Failed`r`n"
            $progress[$RowIndex].Status = "Failed"
            $progress | Export-Csv $ConfigASDKProgressLogPath -NoTypeInformation -Force
            Write-Output $progress | Out-Host
            Write-CustomVerbose -Message "$_.Exception.Message" -ErrorAction Stop
            Set-Location $ScriptLocation
elseif (($skipMSSQL) -and ($progress[$RowIndex].Status -ne "Complete")) {
    Write-CustomVerbose -Message "Operator chose to skip MySQL Hosting Server Deployment`r`n"
    # Update the ConfigASDKProgressLog.csv file with successful completion
    $progress[$RowIndex].Status = "Skipped"
    $progress | Export-Csv $ConfigASDKProgressLogPath -NoTypeInformation -Force
    Write-Output $progress | Out-Host