It is conflicting with a another mod, Skipping ... already redirected by mixin.tabbychat.json:MixinGuiChat->@Redirect::redirect$onDrawScreen$zzc000(IIIII)V with priority 1000.
method = "drawScreen(IIF)V",
require = 1,
at = @At(
value = "INVOKE",
target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/GuiChat;drawRect(IIIII)V"))
private void onDrawScreen(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color) {
// noop
Remove this unused
in: is conflicting with a another mod,
Skipping ... already redirected by mixin.tabbychat.json:MixinGuiChat->@Redirect::redirect$onDrawScreen$zzc000(IIIII)V with priority 1000.