Closed jrock2004 closed 3 years ago
So I am trying to set up EFM to do my typescript formatting and having a little issue that I just am not sure what is causing the issue.
const foo = "happy" const myFunc = (ev: any) => { const bar = "day" console.log(ev); }
So I got and change the work day to night and hit save, and this is what happens
const foo = "happy"; const myFunc = (ev: any) => { const bar = "day" console.log(ev); }
For some reason is undoing my code change and putting it back to day
Here is my config
local on_attach_common = function(client) print("LSP started."); if client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting then vim.cmd [[augroup Format]] vim.cmd [[autocmd! * <buffer>]] vim.cmd [[autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_seq_sync()]] vim.cmd [[augroup END]] end if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight then vim.api.nvim_exec( [[ hi LspReferenceRead cterm=bold ctermbg=red guibg=#464646 hi LspReferenceText cterm=bold ctermbg=red guibg=#464646 hi LspReferenceWrite cterm=bold ctermbg=red guibg=#464646 augroup lsp_document_highlight autocmd! * <buffer> autocmd CursorHold <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight() autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references() augroup END ]], false ) end end local luafmt = Lvim.formatters.lua() local prettier = Lvim.formatters.prettier() local eslint = Lvim.formatters.eslint() lsp.efm.setup { -- cmd = {"efm-langserver", "-logfile", "/tmp/efm.log", "-loglevel", "1" }, on_attach = function(client) client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting = true on_attach_common(client) end, init_options = {documentFormatting = true}, root_dir = function() if not Lvim.eslintChecker() then return nil end return vim.fn.getcwd() end, settings = { -- rootMarkers = {".git/"}, languages = { lua = {luafmt}, typescript = {prettier}, javascript = {prettier}, typescriptreact = {prettier}, javascriptreact = {prettier}, ["javascript.jsx"] = {prettier}, ["typescript.tsx"] = {prettier}, yaml = {prettier}, -- json = {prettier}, html = {prettier}, -- less = {prettier}, -- scss = {prettier}, -- css = {prettier}, markdown = {prettier} } }, filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx", "typescript", "typescript.tsx", "typescriptreact", "lua", -- "less", -- "scss", -- "css", } }
I noticed this in my LSP log, so maybe LSP efm is conflicting with something?
[ START ] 2021-08-01T23:48:46-0400 ] LSP logging initiated [ ERROR ] 2021-08-01T23:48:48-0400 ] ...llar/neovim/0.5.0/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/rpc.lua:462 ] "rpc" "/Users/jcostanzo/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/efm/./efm-langserver" "stderr" "2021/08/01 23:48:48 efm-langserver: no configuration file\n2021/08/01 23:48:48 efm-langserver: reading on stdin, writing on stdout\n" [ ERROR ] 2021-08-01T23:48:56-0400 ] ...llar/neovim/0.5.0/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/rpc.lua:462 ] "rpc" "/Users/jcostanzo/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/efm/./efm-langserver" "stderr" "2021/08/01 23:48:56 format succeeded\n"
Thanks for any thoughts on what could be going wrong here
I was having the same issue and this solved for me
So I am trying to set up EFM to do my typescript formatting and having a little issue that I just am not sure what is causing the issue.
So I got and change the work day to night and hit save, and this is what happens
For some reason is undoing my code change and putting it back to
Here is my config
I noticed this in my LSP log, so maybe LSP efm is conflicting with something?
Thanks for any thoughts on what could be going wrong here